Author FAQ's

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Final Submission

Preparing and Submitting Your Final Digital Files

When accessing this role, you must login as an Author and/or have submitted a paper.

Technical Works

  • Research papers
  • Technical briefs
  • Design innovation papers

Non-technical Works

  • Discussions and closures
  • Editorials
  • Book and software reviews
  • Announcements
  • Other

Go to "Author Center > Submit Paper", and click on the link "Create an Account". Fill in each field to create an online user account. Please retain your account information, as you will need it to reference the site again.

Once you've created an account, you will be able to submit your content. Choose the type of content you'd like to submit from the pull-down menu, along with the journal you'd like to submit your content to.All initial papers must be submitted in PDF format.

NOTE: If you choose to "Cancel" your submission, your account will still remain valid. This will allow you to login to your author account at a later date to submit additional materials.

You also have the option to add co-authors by choosing the button labeled, "Step 3". To add co-authors, follow the steps in creating an account. You must have the email addresses of all co-authors available to complete this step.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. Under the "Options" box, choose the link "Update", and update what is needed. Any new files submitted will overwrite those uploaded previously. Choose "Update Paper" to submit your changes.

NOTE: You cannot update your paper after it has entered review.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. By choosing the corresponding links, you can update your paper information, add/update/remove co-authors, view details of your submission, as well as withdraw your submission from consideration.

Once the Editor has made a decision, you will be informed via email. If your paper is accepted, you will receive instructions on the next steps to take.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. Under the "Options" box, choose the link "Details". This will bring you to the "Details" page, which displays information about your paper. Click on the plus (+) sign and/or link, "Reviewer Comments". To display the comments of a particular reviewer, choose the "View Comments" link. A new window will open to display the comments submitted.

NOTE: Reviewer comments are displayed once the Editor’s decision is made.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. Under the "Options" box, choose the link "Submit Revised". Include additional comments in the "Comments" box as needed, and choose "Submit Revised Paper" to submit your revision.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper.

To submit a final paper, choose the link "Submit Final Paper" under the "Options" box. Follow the steps in submitting your final materials - update your final paper title and abstract, upload the text-only versions of your paper, and fill in comments as needed. If you have graphics that are associated with your paper, you may upload them in the next step (as individual files).

To complete the submission, select whether or not you have submitted the Assignment of Copyright 1903) Form.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. Under the "Options" box, choose the link "Update".

  • To update your final paper, choose the link, "Resubmit" under the "Options" box. Browse for your updated paper, and choose "Upload File". Any new files submitted will overwrite those uploaded previously.
  • To update graphics files, choose the link, "Resubmit" under the "Options" box. Browse for your graphics files and choose "Upload File". Any new files submitted will overwrite those uploaded previously. If you wish to delete a graphic, choose the "Remove" link.
  • To update your final paper title and/or abstract, choose the button "Update Title-Abstract". Make the necessary changes and choose "Update" to submit them.
  • To update author information, choose the button "Update Authors". Make the necessary changes by choosing the "Update" or "Remove" links next to each author name. You may also adjust the publication order by choosing "Update Roles & Order". If you need to add an additional author, choose the button "Add Author".

NOTE: You cannot update information once the Editor has given your paper final approval.

A paper can be Withdrawn prior to it entering into review. Once you've logged into your account, all Active Papers are listed on the "Papers" page. Below the title of each paper are the available actions. Select “Withdraw” and then “Confirm”. If your paper is under review, a request can be sent to the Journal Editor to Remove your paper from consideration.

NOTE: You must refresh your browser to see the change take place.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Once you've logged in, you will be brought to the "Status" page, which displays the status of your paper. Under the "Options" box, choose the link "Re-instate". Your paper will be re-instated instantly.

NOTE: You must refresh your browser to see the change take place.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Go to "About Journals > Editors - Associate Editors" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. This will allow you to search for Editors and/or Associate Editors. Enter the first or last name, or the e-mail address of the person you are trying to find. Hit "Search" to display your results. To e-mail an Editor or Associate Editor, click on the envelope next to his/her name. This feature is also available from the "Details" page of journal account.

You also have the option of finding an Editor and/or Associate Editor by Journal. To use this method, click on the plus (+) sign next to the name of the Journal you wish to search. This will expand to show Editor information. To expand the list of Associate Editors, click on the plus (+) sign next to "Associate Editors".

To e-mail an Editor or Associate Editor, click on the envelope next to his/her name.

During the final paper process, we request all files be submitted in both PDF and native formats. This allows efficient processing of your paper, images, etc., for publication in the journal. We are currently accepting Word or LaTeX files.

Login to the Journal Tool website. Go to "My Account" from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Modify your password and/or profile as needed and choose "Update Profile" to submit the changes.

In order to update your email in your Journal Tool Account, please contact the Administrator at for assistance.

If your user session remains inactive for more than 90 minutes, you will be logged out of the site automatically. This has been implemented as a security feature to ensure your privacy and maintain the integrity of the journal submission process. To access the site again, you will need to login to your account.

NOTE: If your user session has expired, any data entered into the tool will be lost when attempting to submit it. To avoid losing data, please keep a back-up copy of all documents, comments, etc.

If the paper you are submitting was published in a conference proceedings, please indicate that unique conference paper number as follows:

  • At the end of your paper title, in parentheses, e.g., "This Is Your Paper Title (GT-2003-111)"
  • In the comments box on the submittal screen
  • ASME accepts submissions of papers that have been accepted for publication in conference. Please contact if an ASME conference is not listed.

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