Create an Account

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Initial Submission

Step 1: Create an Account

The author submitting the work and handling the account management for this paper is considered the Corresponding Author. All communication from this site and from ASME and any third party vendors will be with this author. Please be sure you and your co-authors have made the determination of who will play this role throughout the publication process prior to submitting your work. Co-Authors of a paper will not have any access to view, correspond or make any changes. All communication must go through the Corresponding author.

To change the Corresponding Author contact Please note: for security reasons only the corresponding author or the Editor and/or Associate Editor of that paper can request a change.

Please keep your e-mail address and password in a safe and accessible place.

If you have multiple accounts in the Journal Tool or on any other ASME sites, it may cause a conflict and you will receive an error message when you try to log in. To consolidate multiple emails, please contact

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