Preparing the Initial Digital File

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Initial Submission

Preparing the Initial Digital File

General Tips

  • The full contents must be included in a single file.
  • Please ensure that any graphics are good quality and readable.
  • The file should include a separate listing of table and figure captions.
  • The PDF needs to be readable and in a coherent format. Sections and sub-sections should be identified using headings, although it does not need to match the style of a published ASME paper. If your paper is accepted for publication, it will be translated into the ASME publication style when it is coded for publication.

Technical Submissions Format

Technical submissions (research papers, design innovation papers, and technical briefs) should be prepared as double-spaced, single-column manuscripts for legibility and readability. Manuscripts must be submitted as a PDF file with each line of the paper numbered.

Note: A two-column format can be accommodated if converting to a single-column format would affect content.


Embedding Fonts

Acrobat 4.0 and higher automatically embeds fonts. If fonts are not embedded and an earlier version of Acrobat is used, it may cause font substitution and technical errors in your paper. To ensure proper conversion, all fonts must be Type 1 and embedded in the document. We recommend the use of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 +, as the newer versions automatically embed all fonts in a document. Using an earlier version may result in flawed conversions of math and special characters if fonts are not embedded properly.

LaTeX Users

LaTeX templates can be found here.

If you’re using subsetted fonts in Latex and Acrobat Distiller creates a PDF, the PDF file will contain missing characters. LaTex assigns the same name to different font sets of the same basefont in the PostScript file. When reading the PostScript file, Distiller assumes these fonts are the same, so they are not included in the PDF created. To remedy the situation, configure LaTex to cease the subsetting of fonts when a PostScript file is being generated. While subsetting refers to Acrobat Distiller, the same rules apply to PDF Writer.

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