Adding Authors and Assigning Roles and Publication Order

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Initial Submission

Step 3: Adding Authors and Assigning Roles and Publication Order

This next step involves providing information about the other authors of the work. It also assigns the appropriate author roles and the order of publication. You will need to complete an online form for each author. To avoid any delays this should be done while submitting your paper or as soon as possible.

The site allows up to 12 coauthors. For any content that includes more than 12 authors, please contact

Click Next to add additional authors. You will receive a confirmation message each time you add an author.

When you have finished adding authors, you will be asked to identify the role of each author in the work:

  • Co-Author
  • Lead Author ASME currently recognizes one lead

You will also be asked to assign the order in which the names should appear in the journal publication. Once you have made the appropriate selections, finish this process by clicking Assign Lead Author and Publication Order. You will receive a confirming message and a full confirmation screen.

Corresponding Author:

The Corresponding Author roll handles all correspondence regarding the paper from submission to decision and/or publication. The corresponding author attests to the fact that any others named as co- authors have seen the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission for publication. No fictitious names shall be given as an author or co-author. An author who submits a manuscript for publication accepts responsibility for having properly included all, and only, qualified co-authors who have materially contributed to the research and development of the submitted work.

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