Final Submission: Preparing and Submitting Your Final Digital Files

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Final Submission

Preparing and Submitting Your Final Digital Files

The Corresponding Author will receive notification of acceptance via e-mail and they will then be able to submit the final files that will be used for publication. After logging into your account, Submit Final Paper will be a link in the Options section of the Author Status page.

This is the FINAL version of an author’s work and authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy and integrity of all elements prior to submittal of these final materials to the site.

Publication will not proceed unless a copyright agreement from each author has been received and approved.

Note: The final PDF file will be reviewed by the Editor and Publication Staff and then published online “as is” without modification and called the Accepted Manuscript. A DOI will be assigned, and the metadata will be coded so that the paper will be immediately available for search and indexing (e.g., Google Scholar).  Once all outstanding paper issues have been solved, the paper will move into production  and publish online. Please make sure that there are no notes or extraneous material included in this version of the PDF of your paper.

Technical Submissions

The final versions of accepted papers and technical briefs will be submitted/uploaded to the site as follows and in the order shown:

  • PDF file of the complete paper file
  • Text-only file(s) in native format (Word or LaTex)
  • Graphics file(s) (one file for each figure) in TIFF or EPS format


  • The full contents of the paper must be submitted in the PDF file.
  • The PDF file must include a listing of figure and table captions.
  • The PDF file should have footers on each page. The footer should contain the assigned paper number, the corresponding author’s last name, and the page number.
  • All Lines of the initial submission must be numbered.

Submitting the Complete Paper

  • The PDF file ("web ready") must be submitted first, followed by the native file ("print ready") and then graphics.
  • All files must be properly named with the journal paper number and the proper extension (.pdf).


  • 1. The text-only file, Word or LaTex, should include the following items in order:
    • 1.1. paper title
    • 1.2. author(s) info (affiliation, address, email)
    • 1.3. abstract
    • 1.4. text: single column and double spaced
    • 1.5. reference section (ASME requires a numerical format, e.g., [1], [2], etc.)
    • 1.6. table caption list
    • 1.7. figure caption list
    • 1.8. tables, each on separate page1.9. footers containing page number
    • 1.9. footers containing page number

Note: Do not include the figures in the Text-Only File.

  • 2. The LaTeX template for ASME Journal Papers can be downloaded here


TIFF or EPS only

  • Whenever possible, multi-part figures should be submitted as a single file.
  • The file name must include "figure" or "fig" followed immediately by a number. There may be an underscore between fig/figure and the number. A letter may follow the number if a multi-part figure.
  • For all Graphics:
    • Grey scale/Color images = 266 dpi
    • Composite image (type/linework & halftones) = 500 dpi
    • Linework = 900 dpi
  • A graphic file cannot exceed 15 MB.

Color Graphics

  • Color graphics will be used in the on-line version of the journal if supplied.
  • All graphics will appear in black and white in the print version of the journal unless color costs are paid, see Publication Charges.
  • Color figures can reproduce very poorly in black-and-white with necessary information being lost: prior to submission, print color figure files on a black-and-white laser printer to see if they will reproduce well in the print edition of the journal.
After a paper enters production, request for color figures in print cannot be accommodated.


Non-Technical Submissions

The final versions of non-technical submissions (discussions and closures, editorials, book and software reviews, announcements, etc.) need to be prepared as noted below.


  • Discussions and closures, editorials, and other text-oriented submissions must be submitted in both PDF and native formats. Word and LaTeX are currently accepted.
  • Announcements (including Calls for Papers) must be submitted in PDF format.
  • Book and software reviews must be submitted as noted above under Technical Submissions if these contain both text and graphics.
  • Special sections such as the Solar Scenery or Heat Transfer Gallery items should be submitted in PDF format and as individual graphic files.

Submitting Text

  • The PDF file ("web ready") must be submitted first, followed by the native file ("print ready")] and then graphics.
  • All files must be properly named with the journal paper number and the proper extension (e.g., doc, .tex, .txt).

Submitting Graphics

  • Refer to the GRAPHICS section above.


  • To update your final paper, click, “Resubmit” under the “Options” box, then “Upload File”. Any new files submitted will overwrite those uploaded previously.
  • To update graphics files, click “Resubmit” under the “Options” box. Browse for your graphics files and choose “Upload File”. Any new files submitted will overwrite those uploaded previously. If you wish to delete a graphic, click “Remove”.
  • To update your final paper title and/or abstract, click “Update Title-Abstract”. Make the necessary changes and “Update” to submit.
  • To update author information, click ‘Update Authors”. Make the necessary changes by clicking “Update” or “Remove” next to each author name. You may also adjust the publication order by choosing “Update Roles & Order”. If you need to add an additional author, choose “Add Author”.

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