Rights and Permissions

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Rights and Permissions

Assignment of Copyright

ASME requests that authors/copyright owners assign copyright to ASME in order for a journal paper to be published by ASME. Authors exempt from this request are direct employees of the U.S. Government, whereby papers are not subject to copyright protection in the U.S., or non-U.S. government employees, whose governments hold the copyright to the paper.

For more information on copyright, please view the Copyright Transfer information page.

Retained Rights of Authors

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Once your paper has been published by ASME, you may wish to submit it for inclusion in a non-ASME publication or to incorporate some or all of its elements in another work. Since ASME is the legal holder of copyright for its papers, it will be necessary for you to secure the permission of the copyright holder to have its material published in another source.

In this case, for permission to have your paper - in whole or in part, as is or adapted - published elsewhere, please submit your request here.


The ASME Publishing staff is available to discuss current ASME policy on permissions and rights. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments at: permissions@asme.org.

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