Supporting Videos


  • Currently, only the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR) and the ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) are accepting supporting videos. Supporting videos are not part of the archived papers.
  • Accepted supporting videos will be included on the following pages:

Please see below for general requirements. These apply to both journals listed above.
  • Create and upload your video to YouTube: (View the YouTube help page here
  • Include the following with your video:
    • Paper title
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Brief description of the video
  • The video link should not require a password.
  • Video privacy can be set as “Unlisted” on YouTube if you wish to preserve privacy until the paper is accepted for final production.
  • The video should be marked as “Public” if it is accepted. 
VIDEO EDITING GUIDE: For the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR)
Please see below for instructions specific to JMR.
  • Video length must be no longer than 2 minutes.
  • Video frame size must be standard, as one of the following: HD (1280×720), Full HD (1920×1080).
  • The first 2 seconds of the video must have a standard title frame for JMR. See the PowerPoint slide template here.
  • Authors are recommended to record a video description voiceover and insert it to the video as an audio track in a synchronous manner. It is OK to make the video completely silent, or with background music. In the case of using background music, authors must use copyright free music to comply to YouTube publishing standards. 
VIDEO EDITING GUIDE: For the ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE)
Please see below for instructions specific to JCISE.
  • Video length must be no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Video frame size must be standard, as one of the following: HD (1280×720), Full HD (1920×1080)
  • For JCISE, please see the PowerPoint slide template here.
  • Authors are recommended to record a video description voiceover and insert it to the video as an audio track in a synchronous manner. It is OK to make the video completely silent, or with background music. In the case of using background music, authors must use copyright free music to comply to YouTube publishing standards. 
  • During the final submission of accepted papers, you will have the opportunity to provide the Youtube link to your video.
  • The video will be reviewed by an Associate Editor for the journal.
  • The authors may be asked to make changes and submit a revised video/new link prior to the final decision.
  • The corresponding author will be notified if the video will be included on the JMR or on the JCISE YouTube channel. 
  • To provide a video you must confirm that the supporting video is their own material and they have full rights to the material.
The authors must confirm permission for ASME to post the supporting material (including video metadata) on the JMR Community PageJMR website, the JMR YouTube channel, and/or the JCISE YouTube channel


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