Journal Submission Types

Research Paper

Research papers undergo full peer review.  Authors are encouraged to prepare concise manuscripts that convey clearly the significance of the work. Research Papers do not have a specified length but are usually 6000 to 10,000 words with 5-8 figures or tables. There are no page charges for Research Papers up to 12 typeset pages (usually 10,000 words plus figures and tables). Excess page charges of $200 per typeset page over 12 pages are assessed unless waived by the Editor on a case by case basis. Authors should provide a cover letter that indicates why the additional length is merited.

For ASME Letters journals, the preferred maximum page length is six pages (4,000-5,000 words).

Technical Brief (Technical Note, Brief Note)

Technical briefs undergo full peer review. A technical brief reports results that are of significant and archival value to the engineering community; however, these works are more limited in scope and length than a research paper. A technical brief may contain any of the following: 1. preliminary report of a result not yet fully developed or interpreted; and 2. commentary on a technical issue of potential interest to readers. Recommended Length: 4000 words.

Design Innovation Paper

Design innovation papers undergo full peer review. A design innovation paper represents scholarly innovation in design that has technological implications. The archival value of such papers is in the innovation part of a design and not necessarily in the theory. This type of paper is intended for outstanding work in mechanical design that is concept oriented and does not necessarily require detailed theoretical or experimental development and analysis, but does have archival value in design practice, as well as potential technological implications. Recommended Length: 7000 words.

Review Article

Review articles undergo full peer review. A Review Article organizes, clarifies, and summarizes existing major works in science and engineering and provides comprehensive citations to a full spectrum of relevant literature. Length: open.

Expert View

Expert View articles undergo full peer review. An Expert View article is a brief overview of the most recent advances in a given area of Mechanical Engineering. The format for an Expert View is the same as a Research. Length: 4500 words.


Discussions are reviewed by the Editor and may undergo full peer review. A Discussion is a means for authors to offer comments and opinions on previously published papers of that particular journal. Authors whose work is used for a Discussion will have the opportunity to respond with a Closure. Publication of a submitted discussion is at the discretion of the Editor. Recommended Length: 2500 words


Closures are reviewed by the Editor and may undergo full peer review. A closure is the response of an author whose paper is the subject of a published discussion. Publication of a submitted closure is at the discretion of the editor. Recommended Length: 250 words


An editorial is an article, usually written by the journal editor, that describes or introduces the content of the journal or a special issue, or that relates to the workings or practices of the journal or ASME.

Guest Editorial

A guest editorial is an editorial written by a guest editor for a specific journal issue or topic. Guest editorials are published at the invitation of the editor.

Book Review

A book review is a brief critical and unbiased evaluation of a current book determined to be of interest to the journal audience. Publication of a submitted book review is at the discretion of the editor.

Technology Review

A technology review is a brief critical and unbiased evaluation of a current technology, application, or product determined to be of interest to the journal audience. Publication of a submitted technology review is at the discretion of the editor.


An announcement is a general or specific message deemed of interest to the journal audience. This might be a calendar of events for a particular ASME Division or group, a call for papers (invitation to present, attend and publish) for a conference affiliated or sponsored by ASME, or other journal-related messages that do not fall into a specific category. Publication of a submitted announcement is at the discretion of the editor.


An erratum presents corrections to errors in a published work that have been discovered after the journal article has been published (print/electronic). Errata are issued to correct errors of such severity that may cause a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the technical content presented. Errata are not published to correct minor typographic errors.

In Memoriam

Publication is at the discretion of the editor.


The Other category is for non-technical submissions, and is a generic catchall category for material that falls outside the definitions stated above.


Tutorial Articles undergo full peer review. A tutorial paper provides novel and original insight and reflection on the use of one or several methods of modeling, design, analysis, or synthesis in an accessible format that can be used for guided or self-instruction.

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