Acceptance / Rejection Notification and Review Results

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Initial Submission

Acceptance/Rejection Notification and Review Results

The journal Editor will make the determination of all work deemed appropriate for a specific journal. This relates to both technical and non-technical works. For technical works, the authors will receive notification that a journal administrator has been assigned by the Editor to handle the peer review process. Authors will be notified by e-mail of ongoing actions related to their work. For non-technical works, the journal Editor will make determinations of acceptance and the appropriate auto-generated e-mail will follow.

Once your technical work has been assigned to a journal administrator (Associate Editor), he or she will assign leading experts to review the technical content of your work according to ASME standards. Authors will receive notification of the Associate Editor’s recommendation by e-mail. Authors will then return to the status page and review the paper details to access the comments of the Reviewers and the Associate Editor. Depending on the adjudication of the Associate Editor, your technical work may take one of the following paths:

Recommendation for publication

  • Work acceptable as is, no changes required
  • Work acceptable, changes suggested but not mandatory
  • Work acceptable, revisions required per reviewer comments

Recommendation not to publish

  • Work not acceptable in present form, author should revise and resubmit
  • Work not acceptable as full paper, author should shorten to technical brief and resubmit
  • Work not acceptable for journal

Once the Associate Editor has made a recommendation, it is reviewed by the Editor, who will make the final decision to accept or reject.

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