
Language Editing Services

The following list of companies provide services to non-native English speakers and international authors who would like assistance with their writing:

  1. American Journal Experts
  2. Enago
  3. International Science Editing
  4. ScienceDocs
  5. Editage
  6. LetPub
  7. International Science Editing (10% discount for ASME authors)
  8. Journal Edit

Please note: ASME does not supply financial assistance for the use of these services.

Plagiarism Screening (Crossref Similarity Check)

Similarity Check is a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Wherever you see the “Similarity Check Deposited” or “Similarity Check Depositor” logos, you can be reassured that the publisher whose content you are reading is committed to actively combating plagiarism and publishing original research. View ASME’s plagiarism policy here. To find out more about Similarity Check visit

iThenticate is also available to authors and researchers who wish to check their papers before submission. iThenticate compares submitted documents to extensive data repositories to create a comprehensive Similarity Report, which highlights and provides links to any significant text matches, helping to ensure that you are submitting an original and well-attributed document. iThenticate for Researchers is a separate service to Similarity Check.

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