Publication Charges

ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Publication Charges

Authors are encouraged to prepare concise manuscripts that convey clearly the significance of the work. Research Papers do not have a specified length but are usually 6000 to 10,000 words with 5-8 figures or tables.

Invited review articles are not assessed page charges. Content types such as Letters and Technical Briefs have shorter word limits as described in the instructions to authors for each Journal.

Publication Charges

  • There are no charges to submit and publish a standard research paper.
  • Page charges do not apply to AMR or Review Articles.
  • The following options include publication charges:
    1. Color in print
    2. Final typeset paper longer than standard journal pages
    3. Open Access
    4. Reprints

Color in Print

  • Authors will have the choice to select figures for color reproduction in the print edition of the journal when submitting final files.
  • An invoice will be sent to the corresponding author.
  • Any color figures will be reproduced in black and white for the print edition of the journal.
  • If an author does not select color in print, color figures will be converted to black and white for the print edition of the journal. Authors must make sure that all vital information is still conveyed, and should supply a new figure as necessary with any proof corrections.
  • For multi-part figures starting with the fifth (5th) part, each part will be charged $100 per part.
  • Papers will not be released for publication until the invoice has been paid.

Cost: $100 per figure.

Excess-page Charges (Final typeset paper is longer than standard journal pages)

  • Charges are assessed for the number of pages beyond the standard length for an ASME Journal paper of twelve (12) printed journal pages.
  • An invoice will be sent to the corresponding author.
  • To translate the space for figures and tables, a typeset ASME journal pages averages 1000 words; one column journal page = 500 words; half column = 250 words; quarter column = 125 words.
  • Authors can reply to the invoice and request a page-charge waiver from the Journal Editor.
  • The Editor reserves the right to send papers that exceed the length limitation back to the author(s) for shortening before initiating the review process.

Cost: $200 per page

Open Access

  • Open Access only applies to papers published as part of the ASME Journal Program.
  • After a paper is accepted, authors can choose to pay Article Publication Charges (APCs) so that their paper is immediately available upon publication in compliance with funder mandates.
  • The papers publish with an ASME © and a CC-BY reuse license.
Open Access Costs
  • Hybrid journals:
    • $3000
  • ASME Open Journal of Engineering:
    • ASME Members: $1700
    • Non-members: $1950 
  • Publication requires invoice payment.


Reprints may be ordered in multiples of 100. Minimum order is 100 copies.

If you are interested in requesting reprints:

Please contact Ms. Tamiko,  Publishing Coordinator, Journals
ASME, 2 Park Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10016-5990
She will then send you the reprint chart for ordering.

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