Submission, Review, and Acceptance

The ASME Conferences and Events calendar contains a listing of all currently scheduled conferences by date. Individual sites contain submission and programming schedule information. Conferences also send out Calls for Papers with specific information about technical topics to be covered at the conference. Depending on the conference, submission of initial abstract can start as early as eight months before the conference.

The submission, review, and acceptance process is through ASME’s renowned conference WebTool. Submissions are reviewed at both abstract and paper level with draft papers undergoing ASME’s exacting peer-review process.

The Contact/Corresponding Author plays a critical ongoing role throughout the process from setting up co-author accounts to ensuring all deadlines for the paper are met. Following this checklist of responsibilities will help ensure that the paper moves quickly through the process and within assigned deadlines.

Submitted papers also undergo an iThenticate similarity check to detect overlap with previously published content. All authors submitting content for presentation and publication are expected to be aware of and abide by ASME’s Ethical Publication Standards, which clearly addresses plagiarism issues.

ASME’s copyright process launches automatically upon acceptance of the draft paper. A paper cannot be presented at the conference or published unless it has passed copyright verification. Please refer to ASME’s Copyright Guidelines and Copyright Terms and Conditions for greater detail.

Presenter Attendance Policy

Once a paper has been accepted, it is expected that it will be presented at the conference by an author of the paper. Papers not presented will not be published in the official proceedings of the conference on The ASME Digital Collection or submitted for abstracting or indexing by discovery services.

Post-Conference Publication

ASME Conference papers are published post-conference on The ASME Digital Collection as the official proceedings of the conference. The Collection currently hosts more than one million proceedings pages.

Post-Conference Distribution and Indexing

The ASME Digital Collection is distributed to more than 2,000 institutions worldwide. In addition, the content is submitted for indexing to engineering database discovery services such as Ei COMPENDEX, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Clarivate’s Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and many others.

Post-Conference Permission to Publish

While ASME conference authors assign copyright to ASME, they retain broad rights to continue to use their content. This extends to journal publication in both ASME and non-ASME journals. Authors simply need to contact after the conference.

Author’s FAQs

Please refer to the FAQ section for additional information. Feel welcome to contact us anytime at:

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