Author FAQs

The title of my abstract/draft paper is different from that of my final. What should I do?

Papers are indexed by the title included on the final. Simply make sure the title on the final paper is the title you want to use.

I wrote an author’s name one way on Toolbox but a different way on the paper. Is this a problem?

Depending on how the author’s name differs, this may create a discrepancy affecting the copyright. To avoid any problems, it is best that the name on the paper matches exactly the name provided in Toolbox. Prior to acceptance of the draft paper, authors can fix the name themselves in Toolbox. After acceptance of the draft paper, please contact for assistance.

How should author information be formatted on the paper? What if I have several authors?

It is important that the author information does not take up the majority of the first page, which should go to your abstract and introduction. Authors from the same affiliation and who come in consecutive order should be listed together with their names separated by commas, like this:

Amir Icahn, Sue Satie, Mack Gonagall, Anne G. Nearing

Affiliation Name

City, Country

Authors should avoid including street addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses (except for the contact author, if needed), zip codes, and multiple department names.

How can I add authors to the paper?

Authors cannot be added to the paper and/or Toolbox system after acceptance of the draft paper. Prior to acceptance of the draft, the contact author can add co-authors via the Toolbox site.

How do I submit my final paper?

Final papers are submitted through the Toolbox website. For most conferences, final papers can only be submitted once all authors have completed the copyright form and once the presenting author registers for the conference.

How can I re-submit my final paper?

Final papers automatically go into production as submitted, so final papers cannot be re-submitted. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure sure the final version is correct. Please refer to the Checklist to ensure your final paper is without error.

Do all authors have to sign the copyright form?

Yes. ASME cannot publish papers without signed agreements from all authors. Copyright forms are emailed upon acceptance of the draft paper.

A co-author gave me permission to sign the copyright for him/her. Do you still need a copyright form from this co-author?

Yes. ASME needs forms from all authors. Authors cannot sign on behalf of other authors.

I can’t find my copyright form. Where is it?

Please check to make sure each author’s email address was entered correctly into the Toolbox system. Any corrections should be sent to Also, check the spam or junk folder. Sometimes the emails containing the copyright form get blocked by email servers; in this case, please either contact your IT department to unblock these emails or provide an alternative email address to

I am traveling and don’t have access to my computer to sign the form. What should I do?

You can sign the form via your smartphone. Please contact to provide an email address accessible from your phone.

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