
Guide to Conference Publications


The guidelines below walk the author step by step through the correct format of citations within the text and within the reference section at the end of the paper. Please note that the reference section must be incorporated into the justified, two-column format. Do not use color font.

In-Text Citation. Within the text, references should be cited numerically in the order of their appearance. The numbered reference citation should be enclosed in brackets.


It was shown by Prusa [1] that the width of the plume decreases under these conditions.

In the case of two citations within one sentence, the numbers should be separated by a comma [1,2]. In the case of more than two reference citations, the numbers should be separated by a dash [5-7].

List of References. References to original sources for cited material should be listed numerically together at the end of the paper in order of their appearance in the text. Do not use footnotes.


Last name, First name.1 Article Title.”2 Journal Name3 Vol. # No. # (year published)4: pp.#.5 DOI.6 URL7.


[1] Ning, Xiang and Lovell, Mary Rose. On the Sliding Friction Characteristics of Unidirectional Continuous FRP Deposits.” ASME Journal of Tribology Vol. 48 No. 5 (2002): pp. 2000-2008. DOI ____.

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial for a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name.If there are two authors, separate their names with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last author name off with “and.”
  2. Article titles must be enclosed in quotation marks. The article title is punctuated with a period that is contained within the quotation marks.
  3. The journal title should be spelled fully in italics.
  4. Immediately following the italicized title, list the volume number using the abbreviation VOL. followed by the issue number using the abbreviation No. The year of publication should be listed in parentheses followed by a colon.
  5. The page numbers of the article referenced follow the colon using the abbreviation “pp.” Punctuate with a period.
  6. If the article is accessible online or in a digital collection, include the DOI # following the capitalized acronym DOI. Punctuate with a period.
  7. Additionally, provide the URL to the abstract page. Punctuate with a period.


Last name, First name.1 Book Title.2 Name of Publisher City of Publication (year published)3.


[2] Gibson, Tom A. and Tucker, Matthew A. The Big Book of Cellular Studies. John Wiley and Sons, New York (2008).

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial for a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name. If there are two authors, separate their names with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last author name off with “and.”
  2. The book title should be spelled fully in italics. Punctuate with a period.
  3. List the name of the publisher together with the fully spelled city of publication. Separate the publisher name from the city of publication with a comma. Immediately after, list the year of publication in parentheses and punctuate with a period.


Last name, First name.1 Chapter Title.2 Book Title.3 Name of Publisher, City of Publication (year published):4 pp. #.5


[3] Stevens, Thomas T. “Stochastic Fields and Their Digital Simulation.” Stochastic Methods. Martimius Publishers, Dordrecht (1999): pp. 22-36.

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial for a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name. If there are two authors, separate their names with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last author name off with “and.”
  2. Chapter titles must be enclosed in quotation marks. The article title is punctuated with a period that is contained within the quotation marks. Chapter Title.”
  3. The book title should be spelled fully in italics. Punctuate with a period.
  4. List the name of the publisher together with the fully spelled city of publication. Separate the publisher name from the city of publication with a comma. Immediately after, list the year of publication in parentheses immediately followed by a colon.
  5. After the colon, list the page numbers using lower case “pp.” abbreviation. Include period at the end.


Last name, First name.1 “Paper Title.2 Conference Proceedings Title.3 Paper #: pp.4Conference City, State,5 Conference Dates, Year.5 DOI.6 _Abstract URL_.7


[4] Wions, Thomas and Mills, Christopher D. “Structural Dynamics in Parallel Manipulation.” Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE. DETC2005-99532: pp. 777-798. New Orleans, LA, September 10-13, 2005. DOI ______. __abstract URL__.

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial to represent a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name. If there are two authors, separate their name with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last name off with “and.”
  2. Paper titles must be enclosed in quotation marks. The article title is punctuated with a period that is contained within the quotation marks.
  3. The name of the conference should be spelled fully in italics. Punctuate with a period.
  4. List the acronym/paper number immediately followed by a colon. List the hyphenated page numbers using the abbreviation pp. Punctuate with a period.
  5. Immediately following the period after hyphenated page numbers, list the conference location (City, State abbreviation or country) set off with a comma, followed by the fully spelled month and hyphenated dates of when the conference took place. Set hyphenated dates off with a comma, and conclude with the year. Punctuate with a period.
  6. If found in the ASME digital collection, using the acronym DOI, include the full DOI number. Punctuate with a period.
  7. Following the DOI number, please include the URL to the abstract page, if accessible online. Punctuate with a period.


Last Name, First Name.1 Paper Title.2 PhD Thesis/Report Number (if any).3 Publisher or Institution Name, City, State (or Country, if outside US).4 Year of completion.5DOI. URL (if accessible online).6


[5] Smith, Robert. “Conformal Lubricated Contact of Cylindrical Surfaces Involved in a Non-Steady Motion. PhD Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. 2002. DOI___.  __URL_____.

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial to represent a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name. If there are two authors, separate their name with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last name off with “and.”
  2. Paper titles must be enclosed in quotation marks. The article title is punctuated with a period that is contained within the quotation marks.
  3. List the type of paper or report (e.g. PhD Dissertation). Include a report number, if applicable. Punctuate with a period.
  4. List the fully spelled Institution or University name followed by a comma, the City followed by a comma, the state abbreviation or fully spelled country (if outside the US). Punctuate with a period.
  5. List the year of completion punctuated with a period.
  6. If accessible in the ASME digital collection, provide the DOI Punctuate with a period.
  7. If accessible online, please also include the URL to the abstract page. Punctuate with a period.


First name, Last name.1 Report Title.”2Technical Report No.3 University/Institution, City, State (or Country, if outside US).4 Year of Completion.5 DOI____6


 [6] Watson, David. “Evaporative Heat Transfer in the Contact Line of a Mixture.” Technical Report No. HTL-26, CFD-4. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 1982. DOI _____.6 ___URL___.7

  1. The author’s first and last names must be spelled fully and separated by a comma. Do not use an initial to represent a first or last name. Punctuate the name listing with a period. Last name, First name. If there are two authors, separate their name with “and.” If there are more than two authors, use series commas and set the last name off with “and.”
  2. Report titles must be enclosed in quotation marks. The article title is punctuated with a period that is contained within the quotation marks.
  3. List the technical report number preceded by “Technical Report No.” Punctuate with a period.
  4. List the fully spelled Institution or University name followed by a comma, the City followed by a comma, the state abbreviation or fully spelled country (if outside the US). Punctuate with a period.
  5. List the year of completion punctuated with a period.
  6. If accessible in a digital collection, provide the DOI Punctuate with a period.
  7. Additionally, provide the URL to the abstract page. Punctuate with a period.


[1] Ning, Xiang and Lovell, Mary Rose. On the Sliding Friction Characteristics of Unidirectional Continuous FRP Deposits.” ASME Journal of Tribology Vol. 48 No. 5 (2002): pp. 2000-2008. DOI ____.

[2] Gibson, Tom A. and Tucker, Matthew A. The Big Book of Cellular Studies. John Wiley and Sons, New York (2008).

[3] Stevens, Thomas T. “Stochastic Fields and Their Digital Simulation.” Stochastic Methods. Martimius Publishers, Dordrecht (1999): pp. 22-36.

[4] Wions, Thomas and Mills, Christopher D. “Structural Dynamics in Parallel Manipulation.” Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE. DETC2005-99532: pp. 777-798. New Orleans, LA, September 10-13, 2005. DOI ______. __abstract URL__.

[5] Smith, Robert. “Conformal Lubricated Contact of Cylindrical Surfaces Involved in a Non-Steady Motion.” PhD Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. DOI _____. ___URL___.

[6] Watson, David. “Evaporative Heat Transfer in the Contact Line of a Mixture.” Technical Report No. HTL-26, CFD-4. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 1982. DOI _____. ___URL___.


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