Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls


The Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls Technical Committee (ASDC-TC) of the Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) division in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) exists to promote and support societally significant research in the field of adaptive systems by bringing together leading researchers from different academic disciplines and industrial sectors.


Contact these leaders using the ASME Volunteer Leader Directory.

Chair: Marco Fontana
Vice-Chair: Uwe Marschner
Secretary: Abdessattar Abdelkefi
Past Chair: Sriram Malladi, Michigan Tech


Best Journal Paper Award

The ASDC-TC Award recognizes significant contribution to published research advancements in the field of adaptive systems. Papers are judged according to their overall quality, originality, and impact. Authors of the winning paper will be presented a $500 honorarium and certificates of their achievement at the annual SMASIS Conference.

Award Eligibility:

Nominated papers may be published in any journal publication during the previous year.

Application Process:

Nominations are solicited from ASDC TC members every January.

Best Symposium. Paper Award

Awarded annually to the best symposium contribution by a committee composed of members of the ASDC-TC.



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