Active Material Technology and Integrated Systems


The Active Material Technology and Integrated Systems (AMTIS) Technical Committee (TC) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) strives to advance the development of technologies utilizing highly integrated active and adaptive structural and materials systems. Such advances can be considered in terms of both improvements in design and numerical analyses as well as innovations in hardware and testing.

Leadership (2024-2025)

Contact these leaders using the ASME Volunteer Leader Directory.

Chair: Alex Pankonien
Vice-Chair: Sebastian Geier
Secretary: Maria  Sakovsky
Past Chair: Patrick Musgrave


Active Material Technology and Integrated Systems Outstanding Contribution Award

The AMTIS Outstanding Contribution Award promotes, advances, and recognizes the efforts of researchers towards higher standards of excellence in integration of adaptive materials and systems. Nominations must be an original contribution such as:

  1. Conference and journal papers,
  2. Devices/hardware prototypes or commercial products,
  3. Software/toolboxes prototypes or commercial products.

The awardee/group will receive a certificate mounted on a wooden plaque, furnished by ASME, and a $500 honorarium. The honorarium check will be written to the corresponding author of the contribution receiving the award. The winner will be notified in advance of the Annual ASME SMASIS Conference, and strongly encouraged to attend the SMASIS Conference at which the award will be given during the Pioneer Banquet.

Award Eligibility

Nominations may be received from SMASIS members. Nominations should have a public dissemination/release. Nominated contributions are to be evaluated based on the following equally weighted criteria: (a) Overall quality of technical content, (b) Originality of the contribution and/or method, and (c) Impact on the field of AMTIS.

Nominations must include:

  1. Application Form (in Excel Format, template available upon request)

  2. Nomination Letter, 1 page max: Must include name and affiliation of the nominator and the nominee, and the following paragraphs:

    1. A short introduction of the nominator, confirmation that the nominator is an ASMS member, and the relationship between nominee and the nominator,

    2. Discussion of the relevant professional accomplishments of the nominee

    3. Discussion of the significance of the contribution (paper, product, patent, etc., including source/citation if appropriate). Discussion of how the contribution advances the field of integration of adaptive materials and systems.

  3. Documentation/evidence of the creative work/product. Must be documented as a PDF file.

  4. Nominee’s CV

  5. Nominator’s CV

Required file submission format:

Each file must be saved separately as a PDF and EXCEL file. Each file name must begin with the nominee’s last name followed by the file type (i.e. Doe_ApplicationForm.xlsx)

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