Structural Health and Performance Monitoring


The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Technical Committee (TC) of the Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) exists to advance the state of the art, science, and technology related to the automated and in-service embedded sensing of structural state through theoretical, analytical, and experimental investigations.

Leadership (2024-2025)

Contact these leaders using the ASME Volunteer Leader Directory.

Chair: Zhenhua Tian
Vice-Chair: Haifeng Zhang
Secretary: Jinki Kim
Past Chair: Nathan Salowitz


Best Journal Paper in Structural Health Monitoring

Awarded annually by members of the SHM TC for an outstanding published contribution to the field of structural health monitoring (or closely related fields).

Award Eligibility: Eligible papers shall:

  1. Have been published in the calendar year prior to the award year (e.g., papers published in 2021 were eligible for the 2022 SHM Best Paper Award) in a peer-reviewed journal and

  2. Have at least one author who is a current SHM TC member.

Papers will be judged according to the following criteria (equal weighting): technical quality, originality of research, and impact to SHM/NDE community. The winning and runner up authors will receive $350 and $150, respectively. The winning paper will be nominated for the Ephrahim Garcia Award.

Application Process: Nominations are solicited from SHM TC members every January.

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