
2021 Hong-Sen Yan, for his numerous books and publications on the history of mechanical engineering, published in English and Chinese, including his influential text: Reconstruction Design of Lost Ancient Chinese Machinery, which presents an innovative approach for reconstructing ancient Chinese machinery known only through literary sources.
2020 Bernard A. Nagengast, for his collected publications on the history of air conditioning and refrigeration, including more than two dozen articles and two co-authored books: Heat and Cold: Mastering the Great Indoors: A Selective History of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditinong and Refrigeration from the Ancients to the 1930s, and Adventure in Heat and Cold: Men and Women Who Made Your Lives Better
2019 Teun Koetsier, Ph.D., for his extensive scholarly work on the history of machines and mechanisms, and for his book, The Ascent of GIM, the Global Intelligent Machine: A History of Production and Information Machines, which provides a unique and insightful overview of the history of technology.
2018 Jack Connors, for his book, The Engines of Pratt & Whitney: A Technical History, which covers the evolution of aircraft piston engines to gas turbines manufactured from 1925 to the present.
2017 Dietrich Eckardt, Dr.-Ing., for his book, Gas Turbine Powerhouse. The Development of the Power Generation Gas Turbine at BBC-ABB-Alstom.
2016 Bryan Lawton., Ph.D., for his contributions to the history of mechanical engineering, as exemplified by his two-volume book, Various and Ingenious Machines, which explore the early history of mechanical engineering, from prehistory to the beginnings of the Industrial Age.
2015 Mark E. Rosheim, for his contributions to the history of robotics as exemplified by his book Robot Evolution: the Development of Anthrobotics, which explores the history of mechanical automata and robotics from antiquity to circa 1990, and for his later studies of Leonardo da Vinci’s work with automata.
2014 J. Parker Lamb Jr., Ph.D., for his collection of books on the history of American railroad, particularly, Perfecting the American Steam Locomotive and Evolution of the American Diesel Locomotive.
2013 Gail H. Marcus, for the books and series of articles she wrote or edited concerning the history of the nuclear power technology, notably Nuclear Firsts: Milestones on the Road to Nuclear Power Development.
2012 Brett D. Steele, for the books and series of articles he wrote or edited concerning the history of the science of ballistics, notably The Heirs of Archimedes: Science and the Art of War Through the Age of Enlightenment, and Military Reengineering Between the World Wars.
2011 Francis C. Moon, for his outstanding and extensive published works and lectures dealing with the history of machines, including The Machines of Leonardo da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux: Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th Century in the book series History of Mechanism and Machine Science.
2010 Marco Ceccarelli, for his extensive collection of published works dealing with the history of mechanical engineering, including technical editing of the multi-volume book series History of Mechanism and Machine Science.
2009 Graham White for his collected publications on the history of aircraft piston engines, including Allied Aircraft Piston Engines of World War II, R-2800: Pratt and Whitney's Dependable Masterpiece, and R-4360: Pratt & Whitney's Major Miracle
2007 Andrew Hastie Wilson for his collected publications on the history of mechanical engineering in Canada, including From Steam to Space: Contributions of Mechanical Engineering to Canadian Development, and the “De Re Historiae” series of articles in the CSME Bulletin.Presented in Toronto, ON.
2005 John D. Anderson, Jr., Ph.D., for his fine publication A History of Aerodynamics: And Its Impact on Flying Machines.
2004 Dr. Ing. Gijs Mom for his contribution to engineering history literature through his book The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the Automobile Age (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004). Presented in Anaheim, CA.
2003 George W. Carpenter, C.Eng., for his substantial contributions to the historiography of the steam locomotive engineering, with more than 40 papers and other publications, including a major translation of La Locomotive A Vapeur by André Chapelon. Presented in London.
2002 William M. McBride, Ph.D., for his contributions to US Naval history in his book Technological Change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945 (John Hopkins University Press, 2000). Presented in Washington, D.C.
2001 J. Robert Mondt for his work Cleaner Cars: The History of Emission Control Since the 1960s (SAE, 2000) and related articles. Presented in New York.
2000 William Johnson, F.R.S., F.Eng., for his many publications on a wide variety of technological-history subjects, including projectiles, the life and works of Benjamin Robins, manufacturing technology, and steam hammer forging. Presented in London.
1999 Andrew D. Dimarogonas, Ph.D., P.E., ASME Fellow, for his published historical books, papers, and lectures, including History of Technology, "The Origins of the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms," and the Origins of Engineering Design Plenary Lecture. Presented in Knoxville.
1998 John H. Lienhard for his published historical works, including "Snares of Pool Boiling Research: Putting Our History to Use" (Proceedings of the 10th International Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, England, Vol. 1, London: Chameleon Press, 1994, GK-11, pp. 333-348).
1997 Walter G. Vincenti for his book What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History, Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.
1996 Duncan Dowson for his book History of Tribology, London: Longman Group Ltd., 1979. Presented in California (Tribology conference).
1995 Horst O. Hardenberg for his collected publications on the history of engineering, especially in the field of internal combustion engines, including The Antiquity of the Internal Combustion Engine, 1509-1688, SAE Historical Series (Warrendale, Pa.: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1993). Presented in Vienna.
1994 Eugene S. Ferguson for his collected publications on the history of engineering, including Engineering and the Mind's Eye, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992.
1993 Philip G. Gott for his book Changing Gears: The Development of the Automotive Transmission, SAE Historical Series (Warrendale, Pa.: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1991).
1992 David G. Blaine for his series on the Westinghouse Air Brake Story, Trains, October 1975, January 1976.
1991 Frank R. Harris for his paper "The Parsons Centenary: A Hundred Years of Steam Turbines," IMechE Proceedings, Vol. 198, 1984.
1990 C. Lyle Cummins Jr. for his book Internal Fire: The Internal Combustion Engine 1672-1900 (Lake Oswego, Ore.: Carnot Press, 1976). Also noted is his paper "Diesel Engines of 2,000 BHP per Cylinder: Pre-1914 Marine Engine Developments," History of the Internal Combustion Engine, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division (ICE-Vol. 8), 1989.

Years indicate selection as recipient. Some awards were presented, however, no later than the following calendar year.

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