Engineer-Historian Award

The ASME History and Heritage Committee recognizes outstanding published work or works by an engineer dealing with the history of mechanical engineering through its Engineer-Historian Award. Preference is given to those publications dealing with the art and science of mechanical engineering. The award is intended to encourage the active interest by mechanical engineers in the history of their profession. The award with its honorarium and certificate is presented annually, if merited, generally at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress.

Selection Process: Candidates can be nominated by any ASME member, with submission accompanied by 10 photocopies of at least one published work to be distributed to Committee members. The names of these candidates as well as previously nominated candidates are considered during the regular meeting agenda. Deadline for submission of a nomination is one month prior to the Spring meeting (approximately April 1), for the following meeting's annual presentation. Criteria includes subject matter, depth of treatment, technical level of material, and the historical significance of the subject matter.

Limitations: Candidate must be or have been active in the practice of the art and science of mechanical engineering, including managers, teachers, and museum professionals directly concerned with mechanical engineering historical artifacts (provided they have been trained as and practiced as mechanical engineers). Multiple co-authors are permitted as long as all authors fit the above definition. History and Heritage Committee members are not eligible. Self nominations are acceptable. Award is international in scope, open to members and nonmembers. Submissions must be in English, or translated.

Form of Award: Honorarium ($2000) and certificate

Frequency of Presentation: Annual, if merited.

Administrator of the Award: Staff Liaison for the ASME History and Heritage Committee

Level of Award: Committee award

Recipients Selected By: ASME History and Heritage Committee

Date Established: 1990

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Nominations for the Engineer-Historian Award are accepted year-round for consideration. It is presented annually, if merited, at either the Annual Meeting (summer) or International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Candidates may remain under consideration in following years.

Submit a letter of recommendation, short biography or resume, and electronic copy of at least one published work.

English translations must accompany submissions in other languages.

Guideline form (.doc)

List of Engineer-Historian Award Recipients

Contact Information

Direct submissions, questions and comments to:, c/o ASME History and Heritage Committee, Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.

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