Author Menu

Welcome to the author manual. This area is designed to assist conference authors in navigating our system through some of the common problems authors encounter with conference submissions.

The links provided below will direct you to detail about why you may not be able to complete some steps, video links and specific step by step instructions.

If you don’t see your problem listed here, feel free to use the “Help Emails” link to identify the best department for you to contact for the quickest resolution to your problem.

Help Emails
Information to find direct help when you get stuck.

Conference Abbreviations
Information to help clarify abbreviations we use for the conferences.

Submit Abstract
Step by step instructions for submitting an abstract and clarification on paper submission types.

Withdraw or Reinstate Submission
Step by step instructions to withdraw or reinstate a withdrawn paper.

Conference Deadlines
Step by step instructions to find conference specific deadlines.

Author Roles
Step by step instructions to identify a contact author, presenting author and lead author.

Information about co-authors checking details entered and handling any “not sent” copyrights.

Change Author Details
Step by step instructions to identify how to change author details as well as when you are no longer able to make changes to the author details entered into the system.

Change Paper Title
Step by step instructions to identify how to change the title of your paper.

Submit Draft Paper
Step by step instructions and link to video for submitting a draft paper and clarification on paper submission types.

Copyright Agreements
Answers to most of the common questions about copyright agreements and specific details about what the five copyright sections mean.

Problems with Copyright Agreements
Answers to most of the common questions about digital copyright agreements.

Copyright Terms and Conditions
Details about the legal requirements and what signing a copyright agreement means for authors.

Copyright Signature Status
How to identify the status of copyright agreements.

Ethical Standards
Details about the ethical expectations ASME has for all authors who submit a paper into our conferences.

Registration Instructions
Step by step details to register for a conference.

Formatting a Final Paper
Step by step instructions and templates as well as specific details about how to handle multiple affiliations.

Load Final Paper
Step by step instructions about how to load a final paper.

Submit Video
Step by step instructions about how to load a video presentation.

Speaker Release
Copies of the speaker release that is required for presentation only and video presentations.

Format Poster
Detailed instructions for formatting a poster.

View Papers on the Conference Site
Step by step instructions for how to view submissions while using the conference site.

Navigate Conference Site
Step by step instructions to help authors navigate the ASME conference sites.

Digital Collection
Step by step instructions to help authors find their ASME published papers.

ASME Journals
Some basic details about how to begin the process of submitting a conference paper into an ASME peer-reviewed journal.

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