
ASME Publications Permissions

Once a paper has been published by ASME, an author or other interested party may wish to submit it for inclusion in a non-ASME publication or to incorporate some or all of its elements in another work. Since ASME is the legal holder of copyright for its papers, it will be necessary to secure ASME's permission as the copyright holder to have its material published in another source.

The steps below are for requesting permission to reprint all or part of ASME copyrighted material from books, conference proceedings, and journals.

Requesting Permission for Journals, Proceedings and ASME Press Books

Step 1
Determine if ASME is the actual copyright owner of the material. NOTE: Not all papers published in the Transactions Journals are © ASME.

The most likely places to find this information are:

  • For ASME conference papers, journal papers, or individual chapters in multi-author books, a footnote at the bottom of the first full-text page (not the cover page) should indicate who holds copyright.
  • For single-author books, look at the copyright statement on the back of the title page.
  • If the statement reads "copyright by the author" … or by a company … or, in the case of government-sponsored work, "no copyright asserted in the United States," then ASME does not hold copyright, and you must seek reprinting permission from the copyright owner.

Step 2
Complete and submit a permissions request form: 

For guides on how to use this form, please download the pdf.

Permission requests that are granted will include requirements on how to give appropriate credit to ASME as the original source and copyright holder.

Failure to obtain permission before reprinting any material is a violation of the copyright laws of the United States.

For information contact

Step 3
REQUESTS FOR Codes/Standards and Mechanical Engineering Magazine:

For Codes and Standards contact

For requests to reprint articles from Mechanical Engineering magazine please email Jeffrey Winters (

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