2023 Reviewers of the Year

Interested in becoming a reviewer for an ASME Journal? Apply at our Reviewer Center.

ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control
Chris Vermillion

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Jie Wang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
Dr. Nicole A. Apetre
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Dr. Shaurya Shriyam 
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Dr. Wenhao Yang
Rochester Institute of Technology

Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
Dr. Eduardo Reis
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Dr. Guo-Cheng Wu
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Dr. Josu Aguirrebeitia
University of the Basque Country

Dr. Francesco Clementi
Università Politecnica delle Marche

Journal of the Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage  
Dr. Wei Li
Hefei University of Technology

Dr. Xiang Gao
University of Delaware

Dr. Yikai Jia
Northwestern Polytechnical University

Journal of Electronic Packaging 
Qianying Wu
Stanford University

Dr. Cadmus Yuan
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Journal of Engineering Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy  
Mohammad Al-Rawi
Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec)

Ann Bolger
University of California, San Francisco

Journal of Fluids Engineering 
Dr. Puxuan Li

Dr. Ing. Cristian Ferrari
Italian National Research Council

Dr. Mohammad Reza Pendar
University of Victoria

Dr. Burak A. Tuna
Florida State University

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering  
Kyle Saleeby 
Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute 
Christopher Tyler
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Mark James Jackson
Kansas State University Salina 

Mehdi Cherif
Arts et Métiers Paris Tech (France),

Journal of Mechanical Design
Arpan Biswas
University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute

Zhen Hu
University of Michigan-Dearborn

Zhenghong Shi  
General Motors

Hongyi Xu
University of Connecticut

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics  
Sajeeva Abeywardena  
University of Surrey

Philippe Cardou
Université Laval

Matteo Russo
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Journal of Micro and Nano Manufacturing  
Hongxia Li
Technology Innovation Institute, UAE

Krishna Kumar Saxena
KU Leuven

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science   
Eric Cervi
Los Alamos National Laboratory

David DiPrete
Savannah River National Laboratory 

Craig F. Smith
Naval Postgraduate School 

ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B

Roberto Rocchetta

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Adam Glowacz
AGH University of Science and Technology

Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications
Steven O’Halloran
AGCO Corporation

Mary Holloway

Chirodeep Bakli
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Hongmei Jiang
Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, China

Subrajit Chakraborty
University of California, Davis

Journal of Tribology  
Martin Correns  
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG

Nader Dolatabadi
Loughborough University

Hongqin Ding
Zhejiang University

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
Dr. John C. Chai
United Arab Emirates University

Dr. Michael A. Sprague
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Journal of Turbomachinery  
Dr. Vittorio Michelassi
Baker Hughes

Dr. Francesco Bertini
GE AvioAero SRL

Professor Jeffrey Bons
The Ohio State University

Dr. Mauro Carnevale
University of Bath

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics  
Dr. Thomas Breunung 
University of Maryland, College Park

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