Tissue & Cellular Engineering (TCE) Committee

Chair: Grace O’Connell (2020-2023)
Co-Chair: David Corr (2020-2023)
Incoming Co-Chair: Alix Deymier (2023-2026)


The Tissue & Cellular Engineering (TCE) Committee brings together researchers and academic leaders interested in the areas of tissue engineering, cellular engineering, mechanobiology, and bioprinting / biomanufacturing. It supports scientific sessions, special sessions, and workshops, and shapes the technical program of future meetings. To reflect the breadth and diversity of topics within the field, TCE has six unique sub-themes:

· Development and Morphogenesis

· Tissue Regeneration

· Mechanobiology

· Bioprinting & Biomanufacturing

· Engineered In Vitro Models

· and Emerging Topics in TCE.

As a result, TCE explores topics ranging from basic science aspects of
developmental biology and regenerative healing, to engineering tissue
replacements and in vitro models, as well as new and emerging techniques
to create and/or assess them.

Job postings:

For current job openings related to the TCE committee, please
check the following links.

Postdoc Positions:

Orthopedic Surgery, Columbia University
Alice Huang
Link: https://thenode.biologists.com/jobs/postdoctoral-position-in-mechanobiology-of-tendon-development-using-pluripotent-stem-cell-models-at-columbia-university/

How to get involved:

Please send an email to chair and co-chair to join the email list.

Follow ASME BED on Twitter (@asme_bed) and LinkedIn.

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