Performance Test Codes

ASME Performance Test Codes (PTCs): A Wide Range of Applications

For over 100 years, ASME has been providing industry with a comprehensive collection of the best technical documents to conduct tests of power plant equipment and systems. ASME now offers 48 Performance Test Codes (PTCs), covering four main categories of equipment and systems – Power Production, Combustion and Heat Transfer, Fluid Handling, and Emissions. There are also "general" documents that cover Analytical Techniques, Measurement of Process Parameters and Associated Phenomena and Guiding Information.

ASME PTCs: Ensuring Accuracy, Precision, and Reliability. Instilling Confidence

Performance test codes provide a "level playing field" for both manufacturers and users of the equipment or systems. Both parties to the test can reference the particular test code, confident with the knowledge that it represents the highest level of accuracy based on current engineering knowledge, taking into account test costs and the value of information obtained from testing. Precision and reliability of test results must also underlie all considerations in the development of an ASME PTC, consistent with economic considerations as judged appropriate by each technical committee under the jurisdiction of the ASME Board on Standardization and Testing.

Order any of the PTCs below:

ASME PTCs on Power Production

PTC 6, Steam Turbines

PTC 6S, Procedures for Routine Performance Test of Steam Turbines

PTC 6.2, Steam Turbines in Combined Cycles

PTC 17, Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

PTC 18, Hydraulic Turbines and Pump Turbines

PTC 22, Gas Turbines

PTC 29, Speed-Governing Systems for Hydraulic Turbine Generator Units

PTC 42, Wind Turbines

PTC 46, Overall Plant Performance

PTC 48, Overall Plant Performance with Carbon Capture (under development)

PTC 50, Fuel Cell Power Systems Performance

PTC 52, Performance Test Code for Concentrating Solar Power Plants (under development)

PTC 55, Gas Turbine Aircraft Engines

PTC 70, Ramp Rates

POM 101, Performance Related Outage Inspections

POM 102, Operating Walkdowns of Power Plants (under development)

PTC PM, Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Power Plants

ASME PTCs on Combustion and Heat Transfer

PTC 4, Fired Steam Generators

PTC 4.2, Coal Pulverizers

PTC 4.3, Air Heaters

PTC 4.4, Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generators

PTC 12.1, Closed Feedwater Heaters

PTC 12.2, Steam Surface Condensers

PTC 12.4, Moisture Separator Reheaters

PTC 12.5, Single Phase Heat Exchangers

PTC 23, Atmospheric Water Cooling Equipment

PTC 30, Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

PTC 30.1, Air Cooled Steam Condensers

PTC 34, Waste Combustors with Energy Recovery

PTC 51, Gas Turbine Compressor Inlet Air Conditioning Equipment

ASME PTCs on Fluid Handling

PTC 8.2, Centrifugal Pumps

PTC 10, Compressors and Exhausters

PTC 11, Fans

PTC 12.3, Deaerators

PTC 13, Blowers (under development)

PTC 19.11, Steam and Water Sampling, Conditioning, and Analysis in the Power Cycle

PTC 19.23, Guidance Manual for Model Testing

PTC 24, Ejectors

PTC 25, Pressure Relief Devices

PTC 31, High Purity Water Treatment Systems

PTC 39, Steam Traps

ASME PTCs on Emissions

PTC 19.10, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analysis

PTC 21, Particulate Matter Collection Equipment

PTC 28, Determining the Properties of Fine Particulate Matter

PTC 40, Flue Gas Desulfurization Units

ASME General Document on Analytical Techniques

PTC 19.1, Test Uncertainty

ASME General Documents on Measurement of Process Parameters and Associated Phenomena

PTC 19.2, Pressure Measurement

PTC 19.3, Temperature Measurement

PTC 19.5, Flow Measurement

PTC 19.6, Electrical Power Measurement (under development)

PTC 19.7, Measurement of Shaft Power

PTC 19.22, Data Acquisition Systems

PTC 36, Measurement of Industrial Sound

B133.6, Gas Turbine Installation Sound Emissions

ASME General Documents on Guiding Information

PTC 1, General Instructions

PTC 2, Definitions and Values

PTC 19.3 TW, Thermowells

The Industry Speaks About ASME PTCs

PTC 4, on Fired Steam Generators, is the ultimate comprehensive document for defining, calculating and testing for the efficiency of Fired Steam Generators by the Energy Balance Method as well as other significant performance parameters. A major feature of the Code is that it includes the methodology for correcting test conditions to guarantee/reference conditions based upon actual unit performance. The Code is written in a tutorial manner which enhances use as an instructive medium as well as providing the methodology for developing a computer code by the user. The Code includes the methodology for determining the uncertainty of both the test and corrected results.
— Thomas C. Heil, Retired Babcock & Wilcox

PTC 6, on Steam Turbines, is the international standard for steam turbine acceptance testing. It was created and recently revised by a consensus group of vendors, owners, and users. It provides a standard, consistent, method for determining existing, retrofitted and new steam turbine performance within the minimum practical uncertainty. It covers large fossil and nuclear fueled utility grade steam turbine/generators.
— W. Cary Campbell, Principal Engineer, Southern Company Services

PTC 4.4, on Heat Recovery Steam Generators, provides a detailed rigorous calculation approach for testing of HRSG's. The test approach involves the determination of the gas turbine exhaust flow by two different means and combining the result. This would apply to multipressure HRSG's including units with auxiliary duct burners. It includes guidance on instrumentation including measuring temperature of a large exhaust flow stream a method for determining the HRSG test uncertainty.
— Joseph E. Schroeder, Vice President Engineering, Nooter Eriksen

PTC 11, on Fans, provides a reliable method for true testing of fans in the as-installed condition – without any questionable adjustments to performance
— Philip M. Gerhart, PhD, Dean, College of Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of Evansville

PTC 19.1, Test Uncertainty, provides guidelines to determine the quality of test data, objectively. These methods meet national and international standards for objective data quality assessment: measurement uncertainty.
— Ronald H. Dieck, President, Ron Dieck Associates, Inc.

Over 100 Years of ASME PTCs: Ensuring State-of-the-Art Quality for State-of-the-Art Technology

In 1884, the ASME published “Rules for Conducting Boiler Tests.” On April 13, 1909, the Power Test Committee was chartered by the Council of ASME to “revise the present testing codes of the Society relating to boilers, pumping engines, locomotives, steam engines, internal combustion engines …etc.” In 1915, the “Rules for Conducting Performance Test of Power Plant Apparatus” was published. Over the years numerous test codes and supplements have been published. Some have been revised and others withdrawn as new technological advances have necessitated the issuance of state-of-the-art test codes. Today, some three dozen test codes are available for testing power plant equipment, such as fired steam generators, steam turbines and gas turbines as well as testing fuel cells and combined cycle gasification plants. It is Society policy to review each standard every five years to determine whether a revision is necessary.

ASME Performance Test Codes (PTCs) provide uniform rules and procedures for the planning, preparation, execution, and reporting of performance test results. They provide protocols for establishing testing parameters and methods of measurement. They provide mathematical examples on computing the test results and statistical methods to determine the quality of the tests by calculating the test uncertainty.

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