Past Hoover Medal Recipients

1930 Honorable Herbert Hoover
"President Hoover, on behalf of the Hoover Medal Board of Award, I have the great honor to present to you the first Hoover Medal in recognition of your many years of distinguished public service." Presentation by Dexter S. Kimball, Chairman of the Hoover Medal Board of Award.

1936 Ambrose Swasey
"As an engineer Ambrose Swasey was outstanding among the great mechanics produced by New England who have given American tool building its world leadership. As a scientist he advanced the art of precise measurement and his work enabled astronomers to carry their science to new discoveries. As an industrial leader he was one of those who show that our present economic system, administered in his spirit, can serve the best interests of all. "
1938 John Frank Stevens
"Engineer of great achievement as illustrated in his work on the Panama Canal, who in his dealings with the Inter-Allied Forces in the Great War, demonstrated those broader capacities for humanitarian public service beyond his calling, which have earned for him the recognition of the Hoover Medal in 1938."

1940 Gano Dunn
"Long honored by his fellow engineers for professional achievement, he has beyond that, exemplified high civic purpose and a devotion to public service which have earned for him the Hoover Medal for 1940."

1941 D. Robert Yarnall
"Humanitarian, engineer, and a leader in the engineering profession, who rendered outstanding service as a member of a mission that fed the children of Germany at the end of the World War and that is now aiding refugees in this country and Europe and providing food and relief for the children and mothers of France."

1942 Gerard Swope
"Engineer and distinguished leader of industry, ever deeply interested in the welfare of his fellowmen, whose constructive public service and inspired leadership, have led to the award of the Hoover Medal for 1942."

1944 Ralph E. Flanders
"Engineer and distinguished leader in industry, ever deeply interested in the welfare of his fellowmen, whose constructive public service in the field of social, civic and humanitarian effort has earned for him the Hoover Medal for 1944."

1945 William Henry Harrison
"Who in times of peace has been devoted to his civic services and effective in his recognition of the essentials of human betterment, and who equally in time of war, inspired by the same ideals, has generously served his country, is awarded by his fellow engineers the Hoover Medal for 1945."

1946 Vannevar Bush
"Engineer, educator, administrator who, in critical time of need, was in a most special sense an organizer, guiding spirit, and driving force of the nation's achievements in physical and medical science, to whom, for outstanding public service, is awarded, the Hoover Medal for 1946."

1948 Malcolm Pirnie
"Engineer, leader of engineers and servant of his fellowman, whose ideals and accomplishments in public life beyond the call of his profession have benefited men in his own and other countries of the world, is awarded by his fellow engineers the Hoover Medal for 1948."

1949 Frank B. Jewett
"Great pioneer of industrial research, leader in molding scientific and engineering work to the needs of humanity, distinguished organizer of scientific effort for the service of the nation in war and peace."

1950 Karl T. Compton
"Great leader in engineering education, who has had a profound influence on the development of science and engineering, and has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the welfare of the nation, both in times of peace and in times of war."

1951 William L. Batt
"Leader in engineering, management, and public responsibility, has through many distinguished services to the Community and the nation merited the Hoover Medal for 1951."

1952 Clarence D. Howe
"To one of the world's great men, an engineer of vision, energy and decision with the ability to get things done. His work has been a boon to his adopted country, to the country of his birth, and to mankind."

1954 Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
"Engineer; builder of vast industry; friendly coordinator of management and labor; generous supporter of research in economics, education, and medicine; eminent citizen, exemplifying the finest traditions of American free enterprise."

1955 Charles F. Kettering
"Scientist, engineer, inventor, philosopher, organizer of scientific efforts, developer of engineering devices and techniques, leader in industrial research, whose ideals and accomplishments have been inspirations to the men of many countries, is awarded, by his fellow engineers, the Hoover Medal for 1955."

1956 Herbert Hoover, Jr.
"Worthy engineer, able, intelligent, courageous, friendly, humble, righteous, responsible; possessing an incisive mind, strong powers of concentration, great moral strength; son of a great engineer-citizen; risen by his own merits to high positions in engineering and public service."

1957 Scott Turner
"Distinguished mining engineer of international experience and reputation, who has served his country and his profession in times of peace and war; active in technical, conservation and relief work, in promoting sound engineering practices and ethics and the sense of public responsibility."

1958 Raymond A. Wheeler
"Typifies all that is best in leadership, training, experienced judgment, character and warm friendship in both the military engineer and the civilian engineer. His accomplishments throughout his life are outstanding, have brought great credit to his chosen profession, and mark him an eminent engineer of national and international recognition. His significant contributions include the monumental task of clearing the Suez Canal."

1959 Henry T. Heald
"A proven engineer, a distinguished educator, a civic and industrial leader and the president of a great American institution, The Ford Foundation."

1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower
"History records the leadership in world peace which Dwight David Eisenhower has given to all people in preparing and directing undertakings of monumental engineering dimensions in military and civilian operations of great magnitude and far reaching significance. As an engineer, leader, and our President, he has throughout his illustrious career given proof of the importance of the individual by the impact of his actions in building a better world for people everywhere."

1961 Mervin J. Kelly
"Engineer, scientist, distinguished leader in industrial and military research whose dedicated efforts and engineering skill have contributed to greatly improved communications; who has furthered the cause of engineering service to mankind through inspired leadership in the creation of a great United Engineering Center is awarded the Hoover Medal for 1961."

1962 Walker Lee Cisler
"Engineer of exceptional distinction, industrial leader, distinguished public servant and advisor to developing nations, whose professional capabilities and leadership in the evolution of peaceful uses of the atom and in the progress of education place him in the forefront of those engineers who have so ably served the nation and the world is awarded the Hoover Medal for 1962."

1963 James Rhyne Killian, Jr.
"Distinguished educator, administrator, inspired builder of a great institute of engineering and science, tireless public servant and spokesman for the scientific community, advisor to three Presidents, whose brilliant leadership has quickened our scientific and engineering development as a nation and brought technology into the highest service of mankind, is awarded the Hoover Medal for 1963."

1964 John Alexander McCone
"Scholar, distinguished engineer, industrial leader with a broad background of public service, whose contributions in industry and government under four Presidents have led to the advancement and well-being of mankind."

1966 Lillian Moller Gilbreth
"Renowned engineer, internationally respected for contributions to motion study and to recognition of the principle that management engineering and human relations are intertwined; courageous wife and mother; outstanding teacher, author, lecturer and member of professional committees under Herbert Hoover and four successors. Additionally, her unselfish application of energy and creative efforts in modifying industrial and home environments for the handicapped has resulted in full employment of their capabilities and elevation of their self-esteem."

1967 Lucius D. Clay
"Distinguished military engineer, administrator and man of decisive action, he built well in peace, mobilized strength for the trial of war, recognized the needs of the civilian population, lifted afresh a defeated people, neutralized the blockade of a great city in a manner without parallel, won the gratitude of millions as a tireless defender of freedom and human dignity."

1968 Sir Harold Hartley
"Engineer and scientist of international recognition, proponent of energy for world peace and human welfare, renowned servant of his Sovereign in war and peace, wise counselor to leaders in public and private life, friend of many nations."

1969 Edgar F. Kaiser
"Engineer, distinguished industrial leader and dynamic constructor of complex, gigantic engineering projects throughout the world. Highly sensitive to social needs and human requirements, he has truly devoted his time, energy and experience to public service in important and diverse civic and humanitarian activities."

1970 John Erik Jonsson
"Outstanding engineer; a distinguished builder of a worldwide business which has provided remarkable internationally significant technological advances; a vital force in developing educational and research organizations and facilities of great public worth; and exemplary leader in civic and public affairs who, besides other wide ranging achievements as Mayor of the Nation's eighth largest city, instituted a visionary program to bring together citizens of all walks of life to determine their mutual goals in vital areas of common concern, setting in motion a process of renewal and a model of operation for others to follow to preserve and enhance the quality of life in America."

1971 Luis A. Ferre
"Eminent engineer, humanist, prescient statesman and builder of industry, zealous servant of his people, munificent philanthropist, devoted patron of the arts, Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, fulfilling his public trust with an innate sense of social justice and an intense dedication to the welfare of the people of his country."

1972 Frederick R. Kappel
"Engineer, distinguished industrialist, servant of his government and of his community. He has combined the responsibility of leading the world's largest corporation with that of guiding a multiplicity of broadly based social efforts."

1973 William Joseph Hedley
"Distinguished civil engineer, leader of his profession, and public servant whose accomplishments demonstrate how professional engineers can serve the public and protect the mobility of the nation through improved transportation."

1974 David Packard
"Scholar and practicing engineer, entrepreneur and business administrator, servant of his community and his nation, who has provided exceptional service and leadership to humanitarian efforts which have added immeasurably to the public welfare."

1975 James Boyd
"Geologist, engineer, educator; inspirer of youth and of his associates; wise advisor to his government at critical times, evaluator of resources - air, water, land, and above all, human; an outstanding servant of his adopted country and of the world."

1976 James B. Fisk
"Distinguished leader of telecommunications research, development and engineering, and contributor to the public well being through broad activities in education and public service of both local and national scope. His leadership of the United States Technical Delegation at the Geneva Nuclear Test Ban Conference in 1958 and 1959 was especially noteworthy and effective, supporting mankind's hopes for avoiding a nuclear holocaust."

1977 Peter C. Goldmark
"Acknowledged leader in enriching the quality of our lives through his technical accomplishments in the fields of television and phonographic communication. His concern for people has made him a major force in assisting lower income families. His inventive mind continues to seek engineering solutions to social problems in our urban centers"

1978 Donald C. Burnham
"Distinguished engineer, business executive and civic leader; national authority on manufacturing techniques and production methods, he devoted his career to improving human productivity and devoted his company to 'meeting the needs of people.' He won recognition as an enlightened executive, demonstrating that social and civic responsibility and profitable return on investment are mutually compatible ideas."

1979 Charles M. Brinckerhoff
"Distinguished mining and metallurgical engineer; leader in converting world resources into metals needed by man; expander of the base of higher education; exponent of improved human relations as the basis for industrial advancement; friend of developing countries; diplomat; humanitarian."

1980 Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.
"Distinguished worldwide engineering leader, for his contributions in the fields of natural resources, energy, government affairs and human needs, and for his contributions to the enrichment of the lives of his fellowmen in urban housing, curtailment of industrial pollution, labor management relationships, and realistic progress in developing countries."

1981 Arnold O. Beckman
"Distinguished engineer, inventor, founder of a renowned high-technology instrument manufacturing enterprise, for his leadership in the development of precision measurement and analytical instrumentation widely utilized to achieve major advances in world science and technology, and for his deep and abiding concern for human values, reflected in his career-long participation in educational, civic and public affairs."

1982 Michel T. Halbouty
"Distinguished geologist and petroleum engineer; internationally recognized for his scientific and engineering ability in petroleum exploration; a leader and activist in community, civic, governmental and university affairs; Chairman of the President's Energy Policy Advisory Task Force and Leader of the Transition Team on Energy."

1983 Joseph J. Jacobs
"Eminent engineer; distinguished builder of worldwide enterprises in chemical engineering; a vital humanitarian force devoted to the support of education in engineering and the sciences for the welfare of society both nationally and internationally; and a dedicated contributor to improving an understanding of the problems of the elderly."

1984 Kenneth A. Roe
"For his outstanding contributions to advanced technical concepts, engineering education, and the efficient organization of the engineering profession."

1985 Robert C. West
"For exemplary contributions to the engineering profession through national leadership; continuing commitment to the livelihood of educational and cultural institutions; personal dedication to the special needs of youth, and for devotion to others through community service."

1986 Lawrence P. Grayson
"In recognition of his rare ability to effectively combine technical, educational and managerial expertise in developing and applying satellite systems for education throughout the United States."

1987 Martin Goland
"For his leadership in expounding upon and exemplifying the highest ethical relationships between technology and society; and for his unstinting public service to his profession, community and the nation."

1988 William R. Gianelli
"For outstanding civic contributions, as civil servant and private consultant, including the development of water resources and enlightened stewardship of public properties to the benefit of the citizens of the United States."

1989 John J. McKetta
"For his accomplishments in energy conservation and environmental protection, resulting in the betterment of mankind."

1990 Joseph M. Rodgers
"For outstanding public service as ambassador to France; for improving relations between our two countries, and for extending his civic endeavors far beyond those demonstrated in his career as a professional engineer."

1991 Haldor F. Topsoe
"For his technical abilities and entrepreneurship, and his involvement with leaders in Third World countries, which have significantly contributed to an increase in world food production through technology transfer."

1992 Roland W. Schmitt
"For outstanding leadership in shaping United States science and technology policy and education to serve the needs of society in a competitive era."

1993 Mario G. Salvadori
"For outstanding, imaginative and dedicated public service in teaching science and mathematics to inner city children and transforming education to provide economic opportunity to disadvantaged students."

1994 William J. Carroll
"For his founding and continuing international professional and humanitarian activities in the World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development and his global accomplishment as President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations."

1995 Dean Kamen
"For inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide, and for innovative and imaginative leadership in awakening America to the excitement of technology and its surpassing importance in bettering the lot of humankind. "

1996 M. Hasan Nouri
"For his humanitarian contributions on an international scale, both as co-founder of the International Medical Corps and founder of International Orphan Care, organizations that have provided life-sustaining aid for citizens of Afghanistan, Somalia, and other war-ravaged and disaster-ridden countries."

1997 Otto J. Helweg
"For a lifetime of service to humanity, engineer and educator, whose work has saved innumerable lives, brought relief from disease and hunger, and given hope to people in arid lands throughout the world." View bio

1998 James Earl Carter, Jr.
"For promoting peace and goodwill among peoples and nations; resolving conflict, promoting democracy and protecting human rights; and advancing health in the developing world and attacking social problems in the United States." View bio
2001 Richard H. Stanley
"For advancement of engineering practice and exceptional contribution toward global community building through leadership in education and policy development fostering a secure peace with freedom and justice." View bio 

2002 Charles H. Thornton
" For contributions to the design of major structures worldwide, and for outreach to disadvantaged youths through education which has created a legacy that will ensure the future development of talented engineers." View bio 

2003 Barry K. Thacker, P.E.
"For successfully applying his engineering judgment, skill, and ingenuity to meet the social, physical, educational, and environmental needs of the people of the Appalachian Coal Creek Watershed, while, in the process, creating recognition of and admiration for the profession of engineering and the letters P.E." View bio 

2005 Sudabeh Shoja
“For her contributions as president and co-founder of Children’s Hope International Literacy and Development (CHILD), which has aided thousands of children worldwide.  CHILD furthers educational opportunities and self-sufficiency programs, and its philosophy is ‘To bring a joyful childhood to every child.’” View Bio

2007 Bernard Amadei
"For his passion and commitment to humanity exemplified through his founding Engineers Without Borders - USA, an organization established to partner with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life, while involving and training internationally responsible engineers and engineering students." View Bio


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