Engineering Education

ASME Engineering Education

  • Provides guidance and advocacy to colleges and universities to enhance the quality, content, and relevance of engineering degree programs.
  • Participates in influential forums for academic, government, and industry leaders on the education of mechanical engineering.
  • Establishes and assesses standards of quality in mechanical engineering degree programs via ABET

Engineering Education Vision
To be recognized as the leading advocate, nationally and internationally, for quality and innovation in mechanical engineering education at all levels; be acknowledged as the premier resource for the support, development and recognition of excellence among engineering students, faculty, department heads, and other “stakeholders” in the mechanical engineering education community worldwide; and identified as the primary forum for communication on matters related to mechanical engineering education among the academic, government, and industrial communities

Engineering Education Mission
To provide effective leadership and focus for enhancing the quality and relevancy of baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate-level mechanical engineering education; broaden the base of highly capable students and faculty (including women and other traditionally underrepresented groups) attracted to mechanical engineering programs; and bridge the gap between college and professional life.

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