Celebrating Diverse Holidays
November, for many, marks the beginning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Diwali are coming up later this month, with Christmas, Hanukkah, and more right around the corner.

As we continue to support diversity, equity, and inclusion, it is important to highlight the wide range of holidays observed throughout the year. In the workplace, this means being considerate of colleagues who may need to take time off to celebrate or be with family.

As a global organization and profession, awareness of different holidays across cultures is imperative. Working across the world to achieve the latest advancements in the engineering field is part of our mission to advance engineering for the benefit of humanity. To this end, let us all be mindful—and respectful—of the holidays that are important to us and our international partners.

Engineering is inherently a global profession. As engineers, we must work with others across the world in order to achieve the latest advancements in the engineering field. ASME’s mission reflects this: to advance engineering for the benefit of humanity. To this end, we must be mindful—and respectful—of the holidays that are important to our international partners.

Below is a list of some of the wide range of holidays celebrated in the upcoming months:
  • Diwali (Nov 12) -- The Hindu festival of lights.
  • Thanksgiving -- National holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November; also celebrated in Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries such as Brazil and the Philippines, throughout October and November.
  • Guru Nanak Jayanti (Nov 27) -- Celebrates the birth of the first Sikh guru, Guru Nanak.
  • Loy Krathong (Nov 28) -- Thai festival of lights celebrated annually throughout Thailand.
  • Hanukkah (Sundown on December 7 -- sundown on December 15) -- Eight-day Jewish holiday celebrating the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem.
  • Bodhi Day (December 8) -- Buddhist holiday that commemorates the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha.
  • Winter Solstice (December 21-22) -- The winter solstice has significance across various cultures and religions.
  • Christmas (Dec 25) -- Annual holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • Kwanzaa (December 26) -- An African American cultural holiday that promotes unity, self-determination, and collective work and responsibility.
Whether you’re celebrating one of the holidays above or if you have your own traditions, I wish you a happy holiday season.

With regards,

Thomas Costabile, P.E.
ASME Executive Director/CEO

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