Renewable Energy Experts Shine Light on Solar Farms and Grids

Renewable Energy Experts Shine Light on Solar Farms and Grids

Welcome to the fifth episode ofASME TechCast, a new podcast brought to you by the editors of andMechanical Engineeringmagazine that brings you the innovators, innovations, and issues that push the envelope of engineering.

In this week’s show, Chitra Sethi, managing editor of Mechanical Engineering magazine, speaks with Frank Bergh, the former vice president of grid engineering at Sigora International and current CEO of Beyond the Grid, a renewable energy consulting company, and Alison Kling, a project specialist at Con Edison. The three talk about the challenges and benefits of creating solar farms in New York City and a solar grid in Haiti, as well as the current andfuture states of renewable energy sources. But first, Jeffrey Winters, Mechanical Engineering magazine’s senior editor, talks about the bad climate news that dominated 2018, which just may be a reason to create more renewable energy sources in 2019.

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