Book Proposal Guidelines

If you are interested in publishing with ASME Press, you are welcome to submit a prospectus for consideration. Please note that because we depend on the time and expertise of volunteer reviewers, ASME Press requires exclusive submissions for consideration. Your prospectus should contain the following six items.

  1. Tentative title. The ideal title will tell readers what the book is about and how it will benefit them. (Don't agonize over this. Remember, even the title as written on the contract can be changed up until the time the book is put into production.)
  2. Market-oriented preface. This should describe (in about 250-400 words) why this book is needed; the audience for whom it is intended (i.e., the job titles and industries of those who will need this book to do their jobs more effectively) and the benefits that members of your audience will derive from reading the book.
  3. Either:
    • A 100-word descriptive paragraph of each chapter in the book, or
    • A detailed outline of the proposed book. If you choose the detailed outline option, keep in mind that your chapters are components of your overall program (the book) to improve the reader professionally. List at least 10-15 chapter headings. Each heading should point out the benefit of reading that chapter (e.g., "Secrets to Preparing a Successful Book Proposal"). Under each heading, list five or six descriptive subheadings. (Think of the subheadings as the tools or techniques that combine to achieve the major benefit the chapter offers.)
  4. Brief autobiographical sketch. Emphasize aspects of your background that give you the authority to write this book. (Please submit a copy of your résumé if you have one prepared, including a list of published works.)
  5. Competing works. How will your book be different from and better than other related books that are currently available? Refer to specific authors and titles, if possible.

Based upon these items, technical and professional reviewers will assess the possibilities of publishing success. In addition to the prospectus, please send the following three pieces of information:

  • Approximately how many printed pages you think your book will contain (assume approximately 375 words per printed page) Also indicate what type of software you plan to use in preparing the manuscript.
  • Your best estimate of when you could deliver the completed manuscript.
  • A ballpark estimate of the number of illustrations you plan to use, and their type (e.g., 60, including 30 charts, 20 drawings, and 10 forms).

Publishing Information

Package Rates

If you have one or two sample chapters prepared, please include them as well, or else a sample paper you have published related to the book topic.

Please send your proposal and all supporting materials electronically to:
Attn: ASME Press Books

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."-Churchill

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