ASME Nuclear Power Online Course Collection

Gain a comprehensive understanding of ASME’s BPVC Nuclear requirements throughout the lifecycle, from design and operations to balance of plant and quality assurance.

As an engineering professional working within the nuclear power industry, your success is predicated on compliance with government regulations concerning the design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and operation of nuclear facility components. Enroll in an official ASME online course to learn industry best-practices for careful application of the nuclear requirements of ASME’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). 

Nuclear Facility Materials, Design, and Construction

Understand and apply the requirements to ASME's nuclear materials, design, fabrication, examination, and testing to ensure integrity of facilities and components. 

Nuclear Quality Assurance 

These Nuclear Quality Assurance courses promote consistent, careful, and safe application of the requirements of the NQA-1 Standard throughout the supply chain. 

Inservice, Operations, and Balance of Plant  


In-service nuclear power plants and components, whether core nuclear systems or the balance of plant, must be maintained with a high degree of integrity. From Inservice inspection, to operations and repairs, these courses will help you significantly reduce plant operating costs, reduce downtime, and maximize safety. 

Referenced Codes & Standards  

Several ASME Codes and Standards are referenced by ASMEs nuclear component and plant requirements of Section III and XI. These courses will help you apply the cross-referenced Codes and Standards throughout the lifecycle of a Nuclear Power Plant. 

Foundational Nuclear Topics  

The following courses contain critical foundational engineering essentials and provide you with valuable cross-cutting knowledge and insight into applying industry best practices within the Nuclear Power Industry. 

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Join leading companies using ASME Learning & Development to take their engineering talent to the next level and get comprehensive team training from subject-matter experts in the Nuclear Industry.

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