Environmental Systems Division

The ASME Environmental Systems Division promotes the art, science and practice of engineering in all issues pertaining to the environment.


The ASME Environmental Systems Division (ESD) promotes the art, science and practice of engineering in all issues pertaining to the environment. Originally, the Division’s main business was pollution controls for emissions from electric power generation plants (e.g., Flue Gas Desulfurization, NOx Control, etc.). Today, the Division fosters developments and applications in air, ground, and water pollution technologies and is breaking ground into many multi-disciplinary areas of the environment.

The ESD disseminates information on the technical and economic aspects of environmental technologies through the publication of technical papers and by sponsoring conferences and training courses.

View a complete listing of the various ESD Technical Sub-Committees


Establishment of Policies and Processes for the EED Newsletter

I. Objective
     A. The EED Newsletter is a vital publication and output of the ASME Environmental Engineering Division (EED).
     B. The Newsletter has a long and storied history of representing the EED.
     C. The objective of the newsletter is to present the EED membership and other subscribers the latest developments on environmental issues.
     D. The Newsletter is intended to present to the EED membership and other subscribers a fair and balanced approach to environmental issues.  
     E. The Newsletter is predominately the work of EED volunteers who serve as contributors and Editor.
          1. There is no monetary or other remuneration for the Editor or contributors.

II. Purpose and Scope
     A. Provide EED members information on ASME activities and events of interest.
     B. Provide the EED membership and the environmental engineering community information on topics and developments on environmental engineering issues.
     C. Provide the EED community with a fair and balanced approach to environmental engineering topics and issues.
     D. Provide a forum to share technical information and viewpoints.

III. Newsletter Content
     A. The Editor has the authority to summarize information for inclusion in the Newsletter published by various organizations and/or articles submitted by individuals providing they are of a technical subject matter.
     B. Format -The Newsletter shall take the following format in each edition:
          I. Disclaimer
          II. Environmental Engineering Division News/Announcements
          III. ASME News/Announcements
          IV. Other ASME Division/Section/Society News/Announcements
          V. Other Engineering Societies News
          VI. Editorials by Editor or other members of EED Exec Committee
          VI. Federal Register notices/rules
               a. Environment
               b. Energy
               c. Safety
               d. Health
               e. FDA
               f. Other
          VII. State, Tribal and Local notices/rules
          VIII. Court Issues on environmental and energy issues
          IX. News
               a. Environment
               b. Energy
               c .Safety
               d. Health
               e. Food, Drug & Health
               f. Transportation
               g. Other
          X. Technical Commentary/Summaries on items of interest to the Environmental Engineering Community
          XI. Editorial Comments
    C. Acceptable Content
          1. Announcements from EED and other ASME Divisions
          2. Announcements from ASME
          3. Announcements from other professional societies
          4. Editorials from the EED Executive Committee
          5. Statutory and regulatory Summaries
               a) Technical evaluations
          6. News on Energy and Environmental Engineering Topics
          7. Technical articles on energy and environmental issues
               a) Non-political
          8. Rebuttals
          9. Articles of a technical evaluation that address political actions (e.g., environmental legislation or proposals) will not be deemed acceptable. This will be on a case-by-case basis and evaluated based on the technical merits of the article rather than as political advocacy.
          10. Editorial comments, if the Editor deems that comments are needed on Newsletter content, these comments may be included in the Editorial Comments section (Section XI).
     D. Non Acceptable Content
          1. Articles containing commercial endorsements or solicitations.
          2. Articles endorsing political candidates.
          3. Articles of a non-technical content that address political actions (e.g., environmental legislation or proposals).
          4. Articles of a non-technical nature or opinion.
          5. Articles that include language that impugns the character or person or organization, whether explicitly or implicitly, is inappropriate for the Newsletter and is not acceptable.

IV. Newsletter Header/Disclaimer
         A. The EED Newsletter is the work of the ASME Environmental Engineering Division.
         B. The Newsletter shall have the following disclaimer at the top:
              “Disclaimer: This Newsletter may contain articles that offer differing points or views regarding energy and other environmental engineering issues. Any opinions expressed in this publication are the responsibility of the Editor, Editorial Board and the Environmental Engineering Division and do not represent the positions of the ASME.”

Approved by:
EED Executive Committee
Date: May 19, 2016


2024 Dixy Lee Ray Award Presentation

June 26, 2024
1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time

Please join the “live” zoom Dixy Lee Ray award presentation to Dr. A. Alan Moghissi. The award was established in honor of Dixy Lee Ray’s advocacy to the development of those technologies that serve humanity. She believed that the engineering profession was uniquely qualified to develop and implement environmentally acceptable technologies.

Click here to see the various optionts to join the "live" zoom presentation.

Honors & Awards

Society Level Awards

Dixy Lee Ray Award
Dixy Lee Ray was a prime supporter of technology and a friend of ASME. Dr. Ray was trained as a marine biologist, held a number of elected and appointed positions and received a number of awards. The Division has proposed to establish a principal environmental engineering award of ASME to be named after Dr Ray .The proposal to the Committee of Honors envisions an award to be given not only those who have contributed to environmental engineering but also those who have contributed to other environmental areas. The Division has provided the necessary funds to endow the Dixy Lee Ray Award. Within the Division, the Honors and Awards Committee will be responsible for administrative activities supporting the Dixy Lee Ray Award. The Award will be conferred at the Dixy Lee Ray Symposium.

Division Awards

ASME Environmental Systems Division Education Support Program

The ASME ESD announces the 2023 Education Support Program (ESP). The program will provide a total of $25,000 to support up to five successful proposals. It is expected that a successful proposal will improve environmental awareness among students through coursework in the classroom and/or studies in the field. Proposals can also address community awareness of environmental issues.

January 16, 2023 is the Proposal Submission Deadline Date
For more information click here

The ASME Environmental Systems Division welcomes innovative proposals that will engage both students and engineers/faculty. Proposers can forward sketches of proposed work to Martin Edelson (mcedelson@gmail.com) for discussion of “fit” with program objectives prior to submission.
Questions may be sent to herreral@asme.org


Links to helpful online resources related to the division are below. If you have suggestions for other resources, please contact the division chair or ASME staff.

  • ASME Landmarks Program
    Landmarks, sites and collections of historic importance to mechanical engineering are designated by ASME through its History and Heritage Landmarks Program.
  • ASME History and Heritage
    ASME fosters the preservation of mechanical engineering innovations used in a wide range of applications through its History and Heritage program.

Other Links of Interest


Steven Unikewicz, Chair
ASME Fellow
Senior Technical Advisor, Terra Power Inc

Bin He, Vice Chair 
Shanghai University

Arnold Feldman, Treasurer and Secretary 
ASME Life Fellow
JJDS Environmental

Martin Edelson

Laura Herrera,Senior Manager, Technical & Engineering Communities (TEC) Operations
ASME Staff Liaison

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