Nuclear Engineering Division

The ASME Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) focuses on the design, analysis, development, testing, operation and maintenance of reactor systems and components, nuclear fusion, heat transport, nuclear fuels technology and radioactive waste.


The ASME Nuclear Engineering Division (NED) focuses on the design, analysis, development, testing, operation and maintenance of reactor systems and components, nuclear fusion, heat transport, nuclear fuels technology and radioactive waste.  Currently, NED supports the following conferences:

International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE)
International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management® (ICEM)
Conference for Advanced Reactor Deployment (CARD)
POWER Conference 
Asset Integrity Management of Critical Infrastructure (AIM-CI)

In addition to these conferences, NED also supports the Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science.  Each conference committee needs paper reviewers, session chairs and/or conference organizing committee members each year.  The NED Executive Committee is also seeking volunteer leaders to help with subcommittees as follows:
  • Administrative Committees:
    • Young Members & Early Career Committee
    • Path-Forward Committee
    • Honor's & Awards Committee
    • Newsletter Editor
    • Outreach Committee (white papers, ASME position papers & focus areas, additional visibility, and public awareness)
    • Membership Committee
    • Nomination Committee
    • Program Committee
  • Technical Committees:
    • Advanced Reactors
    • Codes & Standards
    • Thermal hydraulics (TH)
    • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    • Verification & Validation (V&V)
To learn more about the Nuclear Engineering Division, please see the slide deck from the All Members Meeting.  If you have interest in contributing to the Nuclear Engineering Industry with an active role in a Nuclear Engineering Division Subcommitite, please contact Jamie Hart ( for more information.


Honors & Awards

The Nuclear Engineering Division sponsors several important awards. Information about each award is given below.

Society Awards

Division Awards

Important Award Information For Recipients of Monetary Awards

Please note that honorariums cannot be distributed without receipt of applicable tax forms. If you are a recipient of a monetary award, you will be contacted by ASME staff regarding tax forms you will need to complete, as well as how to submit them to us.


Asif H Arastu
Chair | July 2023 – June 2024

Yassin Hassan
Vice Chair | July 2023 – June 2024
C&S Division Liaison | July 2023 – June 2024

Guoqiang Wang
Secretary | July 2023 – June 2024
CARD Committee Chair | July 2023 – June 2024
C&S Division Liaison | July 2023 – June 2024

Rosa Lo Frano
Treasurer | July 2023 – June 2024

Leon Cizelj
Assistant Treasurer | July 2023 – June 2024

Jovica Riznic
Immediate Past Chair  | July 2023– June 2024
ICEM Committee Chair | July 2023– June 2024
Awards Committee Chair | July 2023– June 2024

Tom Vogan
C&S Division Liaison | July 2023 – June 2024

Richard Schultz
ASME TEC Liaison | July 2023 – June 2024
C&S Division Liaison | July 2023 – June 2024

Keli Bell-Cole
Staff Contact | August 2018 – OPEN

Jamie Hart, Senior Manager
Technical & Engineering Communities (TEC) Operations at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Staff Contact | May 2021 – OPEN


Links to helpful online resources related to the division are below. If you have suggestions for other resources, please contact the division chair or ASME staff.

  • ASME Landmarks Program
    Landmarks, sites and collections of historic importance to mechanical engineering are designated by ASME through its History and Heritage Landmarks Program.
  • ASME History and Heritage
    ASME fosters the preservation of mechanical engineering innovations used in a wide range of applications through its History and Heritage program.

Other Links of Interest

Student Activities

Conference Activities

ICONE Encourages Students to enter the Nuclear Field!

The ICONE student program has several purposes:

  • Encourage students to submit papers on nuclear engineering
  • Give students a forum to present their work
  • Allow them to interact with practicing and experienced engineers
  • Encourage them to pursue careers in the nuclear field

To be eligible for this program, students must submit a technical paper on a topic in nuclear power. All the papers then undergo peer review, and the top papers are selected for presentation at ICONE. This year there will be approximately 45 reviewed papers in the student track. Of these, 15 are from the Americas, 15 from Europe, and 15 from Asia. The students will present their papers at stand-up and poster sessions at the conference.

For information and questions about the ICONE student program, contact:

USA/North and South America
Prof. Yassin A. Hassan
Tel: 1-979-845-7090

Prof. Yasuo Koizumi
Tel: 81-426-28-4184

Prof. Vladimir Stevanovic
Tel: 381-11-3370-561

Ms. Marie-France Robbe
Tel: 33-1-6908-8749

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