Contact Committees

Contacting ASME Standards Development Committees

Standards development committees meet regularly to consider revisions based on technological advances, new data, and changing environmental, industry and mechanical engineering needs. All meetings are free and open to the general public.

Check the ASME Calendar of Events for a schedule of upcoming meetings.

Each Supervisory Board and Standards development committee has a web page. By expanding the list you can find all existing committees, the charters defining the scope of each group's activities, information about future meetings and contact information for staff responsible.

Standards & Certification Committees welcome contact from the standards users as well as the general public in connection with:

ASME will only issue cases or interpretations of official ASME codes or standards. Translations, derivative works, or products not created in their entirety by ASME will not be addressed. ASME cases or interpretations apply only to official ASME codes or standards.

  • Requests for Interpretation
    Many ASME standards developing committees will respond to requests to clarify the application of an existing requirement. To request an Interpretation access the Interpretation Submittal Form. To review previously issued interpretation access the Interpretation Database
  • Requests for Revision
    Standards development committees will respond to requests to revise the wording of an existing requirement or to propose a new requirement. (Refer to the standard in question for further information.)

    Please contact the appropriate staff secretary to submit a formal request via Email for a revision. Please go to C&S Connect Committee Page to find the staff secretary for the committee.  
  • Requests for Cases
    Cases permit the use of alternative rules concerning materials, construction, or in-service inspection activities or to permit early implementation of an approved revision. Check the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code page for information on requesting BPVC cases and approved BPVC cases. (Refer to the standard in question for further information)

    Please contact the appropriate staff secretary to submit a formal request via Email for a case. Please go to C&S Connect Committee Page to find the staff secretary for the committee.

  • Public Review of ASME Cases
    Public comment may be submitted on Code Cases for the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code out for public review which are accessible through a specific webpage. Public comment may be submitted on cases issued for other ASME standards which are accessible from the associated standards committee webpage under the “Publications” section of the left-hand toolbar.
  • Requests for Error Corrections
    Submissions of errors or editorial corrections can be made to the standards development committees. (Refer to the standard in question for further information) Certain errors that are deemed to be errata, corrections to incorrectly published items, shall be used on the date posted and there is an option available to automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Standards development committee webpage after selecting "Errata" in the "Publication Information" section. Those changes deemed and approved as editorial corrections to the standard will be made available in the next edition of the standard published after approval.
  • Requests for New Standards Development
    Requests to develop new ASME products (e.g. standard, guide, technical report, workshop, symposium, etc.) are evaluated in accordance with ASME Codes & Standards Policy (CSP) 49, Guide for Establishing New Codes or Standards Projects. To request formal evaluation of a proposal for a new ASME standards development activity, download and complete the form and email it to: Manager, New Product Development


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