Model Based Enterprise (MBE)

The communication of technical information throughout an enterprise is crucial, and implicit information is critical in a product’s lifecycle. These are key components to ensure production efforts are not hindered, inspection processes are not incomplete, or assembly methods do not lack the proper fit. As technology evolves for defining products, so does the nature of the information.
The state of manufacturing today is moving towards leveraging digital data across the entire enterprise. Advanced techniques for better product representation and lifecycle management are in demand as digital data is increasingly used in product and process roadmaps. Industry needs guidance to enhance understanding of these Model Based Enterprise (MBE) techniques for company-wide digital, model-based communication to work more efficiently than using any 2D drawings throughout an entire product lifecycle.

Current status
ASME formed the Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Standards Committee which oversees the development of rules, guidance, and examples for the creation, use and reuse of model-based datasets, data models, and related topics within a Model-Based Enterprise (MBE).
The MBE Standards Committee published its first standard MBE 1-2022: MBE Framework in June 2022.  The MBE Standards Committee oversees the following Working Group:
Use Cases and Model-Based Standards Working Group – Focus to define the methods that the MBE Standards Committee will use to develop use cases and model-based standards. They released a first request for information to help develop and communicate methodology to create model-based standards that can be interpreted by computational systems and humans.
The MBE Standards Committee is also affiliated with the MBE & Y14 Joint Committee. This joint committee collects concerns and ideas in relation to the current Y14 standards and where said standards need to be adapted to meet the emerging needs of MBE activities. It also supports the creation and interoperability of model-based definition.
Meetings and Events
Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Standards Committee – Holds monthly teleconferences.
Working Groups – Hold bi-weekly or monthly teleconferences.
Staff Contact
If you’re interested in learning more or participating in these activities, please contact Fredric Constantino.

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