Certification 360 Workshops

Applying ASME Global Standards and Enhancing Public Safety

ASME Certification 360 Workshops are an opportunity for the certification community to gain insight into the policies and procedures of the ASME

ASME Conformity Assessment certification is a clear indication of your organization’s commitment to quality and public safety.

ASME Certification 360 Workshops are an opportunity for the certification community to gain insight into the policies and procedures of the ASME Conformity Assessment Certification and Accreditation Programs. They are also a forum where high-profile topics related to design, fabrication, and stamping of code items are discussed.

At this workshop you’ll learn how to best prepare for the certification and renewal process. You’ll also gain insights into the value of ASME certification and on how to leverage your organization’s ASME certification in global markets. These workshops are complimentary for the certification community.

Who should attend?

  • Companies interested in learning how to get government subsidies to obtain the ASME Certification
  • ASME Certificate Holders
  • Authorized Inspection Agencies
  • Government Agencies
  • Companies interested in becoming certified

How Will Workshop Participants Benefit?

  • Understand the certification and renewal process
  • Take away best practices to prepare for a survey/review
  • Learn the roles of all major players in the certification process
  • Ask questions of and interact with official ASME representatives
  • Network with certificate holders and others in the field who are committed to enhancing public safety
  • Build credibility and gain visibility within the certification community

Want to bring a workshop to your area?  Send us an email.

ASME Conformity Assessment Workshops
Chris Mahler
Director Engagement & Outreach


Future Workshops


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