Triodyne Safety Award

ASME Unit: Design Engineering Division (DED)
Date Established: 1991
Achievement: For outstanding contributions to teaching or research in the safety aspects of mechanical design.
Limitations: Membership in ASME. Limited to Educators or Practitioners. Nominations must be received by February 1 of each year. The Award Committee reserves the right to not offer the award in any given year.
Nomination Deadline: 8/10
Form of Award: Inscribed plaque and an honorarium
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: An Award Committee, comprised of four ASME Members: Two from the Design Engineering Division Education Committee, one from the Safety and Risk Analysis Division and one from Triodyne, Inc.
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Award Committee
Funding: $25,000 endowment
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: 11/19/2009

Winners of the Triodyne Safety Award

1992 John V. Grimaldi
1994 C.O. Smith
1995 Thomas F. Talbot
1996 Jerome Lederer

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