Robert T. Knapp Award

ASME Unit: Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Date Established: 1958
Achievement: Outstanding original paper resulting directly from analytical or laboratory research.
Limitations: Papers must be presented to the Society under the auspices of the Fluids Engineering Division within two calendar years prior to the year of the award. Author(s) need not be ASME members.
Nomination Deadline: 31-Dec
Form of Award: Plaque
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Fluids Engineering Division Honors Committee
Selecting Process: Fluids Engineering Division Honors Committee solicits nominations from all ASME members. Each nominated paper goes through a formal peer review. The best candidates are discussed at a once-a-year meeting and the best (or none) is selected for the award
Funding: Fluids Engineering Division custodian account
Year Created: 1965
Contact Name: Haibo Dong
Contact Email:

Winners of the Robert T. Knapp Award

2024 Bin, Park, Lv, & Yang
2023 Reza M. Ziazi, James A. Liburdy. Vortical Structures and Mixing Characteristics of Flow in Randomly Packed Porous Media during Transition to Turbulence (FEDSM2021-65432) - FMTC
2022 Jingsen Ma, Xiaolong Deng, Chao-Tsung Hsiao, Georges L. Chahine. Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Accelerated Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Microbubble Enhanced HIFU (FEDSM2021-65815) - MFTC
2021 Fayaz Rasheed, Elvis E. Dominguez-Ontiveros, Justin R. Weinmeister, Charlotte N. Barbier. Deep Learning for Intelligent Bubble Size Detection in the SNS Visual Target (IMECE2020-23164) - FMITC
2020 Shawn Aram, Andrew DeJong. Numerical Comparision between Steady and Sweeping Jets for Active Flow Control Applications (FEDSM2018-83083) - FMTC
2019 Haidong Liu, Zhongquan C. Zheng, Bryan Young. Three-Dimensional Computational Hydrodynamics Modeling for Algae Transport and Growth (FEDSM2017-69050) - CFDTC
2018 Hyunjin Yang, Surya P. Vanka, Brian G. Thomas. Hybrid Eulerian Eulerian Discrete Phase Model of Turbulent Bubbly Flow (IMECE2017-70337) - MFTC
2017 Shanti Bhushan, Manish Borse, Keith Walters, Crystal L. Pasiliao. Analysis of Turbulence Generation and Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Boundary Layer Transition using Direct Numerical Simulation (FEDSM2016-7795) - FASTC
2016 V. Chitta and D. K. Walters
2015 Rachelle L. Speth and Datta V. Gaitonde
2014 J. Gao, J. Chen, D. Guildenbecher and P. Reu
2013 A. Cihonski, J. Finn and S. Apte
2012 Y. Doron and M. Schultz
2011 Jiarong Hong
2011 Joseph Katz
2011 Michael P. Schultz
2010 M. Emst
2010 M. Sommerfeld
2008 Yutaka Abe
2008 Satoshi Matsumoto
2008 Shigeru Awazu
2007 Marina Campolo
2007 Andrea Cremese
2007 Alfredo Soldati
2006 Yi-Chih Chow
2006 Joseph Katz
2006 Francesco Sorrana
2006 Oguz Uzol
2005 Alexander F. Doll
2005 Mathias Heinrchs
2005 Grank Goldschmidtboeing
2005 Hans-Juergen Schrag
2005 Ulrich T. Hopt
2005 Peter Woias
2004 Michael P. Schultz
2004 Karen A. Flack
2003 Jeffery Taylor and
2003 Mark N. Glausner
2002 William K. George
2002 Xia Wang
2002 Luciano Castillo
2002 C.H. Hidrovo
2001 D.P. Hart
2001 D.P. Hart
2000 S.W. Coppen
2000 C.B. Rogers
1999 T. Manning
1999 S.K. Lele
1998 N. Sinha
1998 A. Hosangadi
1998 R. Lee
1998 B. York
1998 P. Cavallo
1998 S. Dash
1997 D.G. Dommermuth
1997 R.C.Y. Mui
1996 C. David Pruett
1995 N. Mangiavacchi
1995 R. Gundlapalli
1995 R. Akhavan
1994 P. Roache
1993 F.E. McCaughan
1993 H. Bedir
1992 M.A.Leschziner
1991 R.S. Meyer
1991 M.L. Billet
1991 J. W. Holl
1985 R.L. Street
1985 J.R. Koseff
1980 C. Brennen
1979 T. Morel
1977 A.J. Acosta
1977 C. Brennen
1976 R. L. Loehrke
1976 H.M. Nagib
1975 O. Furuya
1974 J.P. Johnston
1973 V. H. Arakeri
1973 A.J. Acosta
1972 G. Heskestad
1971 P. N. Shankar
1970 J.W. Holl
1970 A.J. Kornhauser
1969 L.R. Glicksman
1968 Milton Plesset
1968 R.E. Devine
1967 N.D. Shutter
1967 R.B. Messier
1966 Robert Hickling
1965 B. R. Parkin

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