Project Excellence Award

The ASME Petroleum Division Project Excellence Award is awarded to innovative and groundbreaking projects. The award recognizes excellence in engineering, project management and acknowledges innovative projects by highlighting the importance of professional engineering and project management in achieving high performance in projects in all stages. The purpose of this award is to recognize projects that have demonstrated design and/or construction excellence in petroleum related projects.

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Nomination Instructions
ASME Unit: Petroleum Division
Date Established: 2009
Achievement: Projects should demonstrate significant achievement through engineering design or construction concepts, use of new or existing analytical techniques, or use of new or existing technology.
Limitations: The project must be related to the Petroleum Industry and/or should emphasize design excellence and innovation as well as innovative techniques for the construction of projects related to petroleum related endeavors
Nomination Deadline: October 1st
Form of Award: Trophy
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Petroleum Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Petroleum Division Awards Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations are submitted to ASME staff. The PD Awards Committee reviews and selects the top project for the award. CRITERIA – See Achievement section.
Funding: Petroleum Division
Date Created: 2009
Date Modified: NA
Contact Name: Jamie Hart
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 281-810-5453

Project Excellence Award Recipients

2023 No Award
2022 Workforce Susutainability Empowerment with ZEVAC Vent Gas Recovery Equipment, Doug Sahm
2021 No Award
2020 No Award
2019 No Award
2018 No Award
2017 No Award
2016 Asgard Subsea Compression Plant, Statoil
Vendor Award: Aker Solutions (inaugural)
2015 No Award
2014 No Award
2013 PetroBras Marlim Project
2012 Shenzi Field Development, BHP Billiton Petroleum
2011 Parque das Conchas (BC-10) project of Shell Oil Company
2010 cancelled due to weather
2009 Azurite FDPSO Development Project, Murphy E&P Co. International

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