Ph.D. Level Best Paper Award

ASME Unit: Bioengineering Division (BED)
Date Established: 1989
Achievement: Doctoral students who submit the best paper at the BED Student Paper Competition held at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE).
Nomination Deadline:  
Form of Award: Certificate plus honorarium
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Bioengineering Division (BED)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: BED Honors Committee
Selecting Process: Selection of the best student papers follows oral presentation at the IMECE.
Funding: Custodian account
Date Created: 8/29/2000
Date Modified: 5/4/2009
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Winners of the Ph.D. Level Best Paper Award

  1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
1994 J. Emery R. Kelkar Y. Huang
1995 T. Maxian C. Zapanta N. Salunke
1996 D. Kwak A. Garcia B.M. Kim
1997 M. Richards P. Van Kemenade G. Raynach
1998 D. Malicky M. Solts M. Apreleva
1999 M. Wimmer D. Narmoneva T. C. Doehring
2000 C.A. Simmons Y. Huang J.O. Ladeji-Osias
2001 Nicholas Genes Yi Zhang David H.J. Wang
2003 Joy Ku James Costello Ryo Sudo
2005 Joan Greve Christopher Yakacki Steve Lammers
2006 Rashmi Raghu Rui Zhao Lingli Liu
2007 Nanfeng Sun Alex Barker Gilwoo Choi
2009 Nick Willett Michael Albro Ga-Young Suh
2010 Ethan Kung Mohammad Azimi Sujith Sajja
2011 Shirley Masand Neha Shah Daniel Weisgerber
2012 Christopher Arena Zhenpeng Qin Thomas Claiborne
2013 Nicholas Schaffer Mike Weiler M. Haithem Babiker

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