Materials Division Centennial Mid-Career Award

ASME Unit: Materials Division (MD)
Date Established: 2020
Achievement: To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Materials Division, an annual award was created in 2020 by the Executive Committee of the Materials Division to recognize the impactful contributions of mid-career researchers in technical areas at the interface of materials and mechanics.
Limitations: Any researcher between 10 and 20 years of terminal degree (at the date of the nomination deadline) working in a technical area at the interface of materials and mechanics can be considered for the Materials Division Centennial Mid-Career Award.
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Form of Award: Medal and $1000 Honorarium and up to $750 travel reimbursement
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Materials Division (MD)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Materials Division Executive Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations will come from members of ASME. The nominator must use “ASME Unit Achievement Award form” to submit. In the form, qualification of nominee including the nominee's contributions in the area of materials and mechanics research must be clearly stated. The nomination must accompany three reference letters including the one from the nominator. The Chair of the Honors and Awards Committee will present the nominations to the Materials Division Executive Committee for a final vote.

For information on nominations, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding: Materials Division (MD)
Nominations should be submitted to: Caglar Oskay, Ph.D.
Date Modified: November 2020
Contact Name: Caglar Oskay
Contact Email: caglar.oskay@Vanderbilt.Edu
Contact Phone: (615) 343-0583


2022 Samantha Daly
2021 Yuri Bazilevs

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