Innovative Research Award

ASME Unit: Tribology Division (TRIB)
Date Established: 1997
Achievement: Innovative research in Tribology
Limitations: None
Nomination Deadline: 7/15
Form of Award: Certificate
Frequency of Award: Biannual
Administrative: Tribology Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Research Committee on Tribology
Selecting Process: Nominations from committees of the Tribology Division. For information on nominations, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding: Tribology Division Custodian Account
Date Created: 1/9/2001
Date Modified: 10/24/2012
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Innovative Research Award Recipients

-- Pradeep Rohatgi
-- Michael Bryant
-- John Tichy
-- Leon Keer
-- Yip-Wah Chung
-- Izhak Etsion
-- Daejon Kim
-- James Lauer
-- Jean-Marie Georges
-- Ali Erdemir
-- Yeau-Ren Jeng

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