Henry Robinson Towne Lecture

ASME Unit: Management Division (MGMT)
Date Established: 1925
Achievement: For paper written in the field of Management, economics or business.
Nomination Deadline: 8/1
Form of Award: Certificate
Frequency of Award: Annual
Level of Award: Division
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Date Created: 11/10/2008
Date Modified: 11/19/2009
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Henry Robinson Towne Lecture Recipients

1925 THE HONORABLE HERBERT HOOVER, (then Secretary of Commerce).

Title: The Economic Value of Research in Pure Science.
1926 DAVIS RICH DEWEY, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Title: The Credit Factor in the Structure of Industry.
1927 T.S. ADAMS, Professor of Political Economy, Yale University; President, American Economic Association.

Title: The Relationship Between Industry and Taxation An Economist's Views of a Sound Program for American Business in the Field of Taxation.
1931 W.B. DONHAM, Dean, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University

Title: The Temporary Emergency and Twenty Year Plan.
1932 A. W. ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.

Title: The Scientific Approach to Human Affairs.
1933 DAVID CUSHMAN COYLE, Consulting Engineer, New York, New York.

Title: High Productivity and the Distribution Problem
1934 DEXTER S. KIMBALL, Past President ASME; Dean, College of Engineering, Cornell University.

Title: Prophets and Panaceas.
1935 RALPH E. FLANDERS, Past President ASME; President, Jones and Lamson Machine Company, Springfield, Vermont.

Title: New Pioneers on a New Frontier.
1936 JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, President, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

Title: Achievements of Westinghouse as Factors in our Modern Life.
1937 EARNEST A. HOOTON, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University; Curator, Peabody Museum.

Title: The Simian Basis of Human Mechanics, Or Ape to Engineer.
1938 GERARD SWOPE, President, General Electric Company, New York, New York.

Title: Mechanical Engineering Men, Materials and Methods.
1946 CHARLES E. WILSON, President, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.

Title: The Great Delusion Where Marx Went Wrong.
1948 H.B. MAYNARD, President, Methods Engineering Council, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Role of Scientific Management in World Recovery.
1949 FREDERICK S. BLACKALL, JR., President and Treasurer, Taft Pierce Manufacturing Company, Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

Title: The Obligation of Management to Provide Leadership.
1950 A.W. ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Individual and Free Enterprise
1953 PHILIP M. McKENNA, President, Kennametal, Inc. Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Title: Economics and the Engineer.
1955 CROSBY FIELD, President, Flakice Corporation, Brooklyn, New York.

Title: The Greatest Achievement of the Engineer in Commerce and Industry.
1958 WALTER E. BOVERI, Chairman of the Board, Brown Boveri Company Ltd., Baden, Switzerland.

Title: Man's Conflict with Technical Progress.
1959 JAMES M. GAVIN, Executive Vice President, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Title: The Challenge of the Sixties
1960 LYNDALL F. URWICK, Chairman, Urwick Orr and Partners, Ltd. London, England. Title: Engineers in Management Past and Future.l
1961 WALTER SCOTT, Governing Director, W.D. Scott Company Pty., Ltd., North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Title: The Greatest Challenge.
1962 HAROLD F. SMIDDY, President, Academy of Management, New York, New York.

Title: The Professional in the Business Corporation.
1963 LOUIS E. NEWMAN, President, Smithcraft Corporation, Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Title: Managing in a Changing World.
1964 DAVID PACKARD, Chairman of the Board, Hewlett Packard Company, Palo Alto, California.

Title: Management's Expanding Responsibilities.
1965 GEORGE E. KECK, President, United Airlines, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois.

Title: Engineering's Relation to Business Objectives.
1966 ALBERT G. MUMMA, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired), Executive Vice President, Worthington Corp., Harrison, New Jersey.

Title: For the Engineer, The Past is Prologue.
1967 DONALD C. BURNHAM, President, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Title: Productivity Key to Progress.
1968 J. ERIK JONSSON, Mayor of Dallas, Dallas, Texas; Chairman of the Board, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Title: Avalanche: The Cities and the Seventies.
1969 ED REINECKE, Lieutenant Governor, State of California.

Title: Public Responsibility of Engineers.
1970 PETER F. DRUCKER, Professor, New York University. Title: The Price of Success Management Leadership in a Pluralistic Society.

Title: Management A Universal Concept.
1971 JAMES L. HAYES, President, American Management Association, New York, New York.
1972 JACOB RABINOW, Chief Officer of Invention and Innovation, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC.

Title: The Art and Economics of Invention.
1973 LESTER R. BITTEL, Director, Academy Hall, Inc. Strasburg, Virginia.

Title: From Work Measurement to Work Management; From Wage Incentives to Work Itself.
1974 JAY W. FORRESTER, Professor of Industrial Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Title: The Need to Look Ahead.
1975 ROBERT C. SEAMANS, JR., United States Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, DC.

Title: Latest Development in Energy Research and Development.
1976 WILLARD F. ROCKWELL, JR., Chairman of the Board of Rockwell International Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Alchemists; Fear and Wonderment.
1977 EDGAR B. SPEER, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Title: The Engineer and the Human Equation.
1978 D. ROBERT YARNELL, JR., President, Yarway Corporation, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania.

Title: Can Managers Handle Freedom?
1979 FRANK A. LEE, President & Chief Executive Officer, Foster Wheeler Corporation,Livingston, New Jersey.

Title: The Obsolescent Engineer.
1980 MARTIN ALLEN, Computervision Corp, Bedford, Massachusetts.

Title: CAD/CAM and the Third Industrial Revolution.
1981 GEORGE R. JASNY, Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Title: Engineering for Energy and the Environment in the 1980's –A Return To Realism.
1983 WILLIAM C. MISSIMER, JR., Pratt & Whitney Group, East Hartford, Connecticut.

Title: Design It to Make It.
1984 DOROTHY M. SIMON, Vice President, Research, AVCO Corporation, Greenwich, Connecticut.

Title: Research and Development The Backbone of Competitive Strategy.
1985 JULES A. MIRABAL, President, Eaton Kenway, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Title: Effective Materials Handling Another Key Factor in the Competitive Equation.
1986 DELBERT C. STALEY, President and Chief Executive Officer, NYNEX, New York, New York.

Title: Management Philosophy and Expertise in Achieving Significant Success in the New Status of the New York Telephone Company.
1989 M. TRIBUS, Exergy Crop., Haywood, California.

Title: Redefining Engineering Management in the Era of Quality Production.
1990 ALLEN F. RHODES, Past President ASME, President and C.E.O. of Gripper Inc., Houston, Texas.

Title: The Engineering and Management Impact of the Global Company.
1991 ROBERT L. DORN, Chief Engineer, Cadillac Motor Car Division of General Motors.

Title: The Cadillac Quality Management Story.
1992 JAMES K. BAKKEN, Former Sr. Vice President, Ford Motor Company.

Title: The American Revolution-Total Quality Management.
1993 H. THOMAS JOHNSON, Retzlaff Professor of Quality Management, School of Business, Portland State University.

Title: How Quality Organizational Learning and Wholistic Thinking Transforms Management Accounting.
1994 No Towne Lecture Presented at '94 ASME Winter Congress. It was moved to the National Design Show in March 1995. See Below.
1995 ROBERT W. HALL, Professor of Operations Management, Indiana University Graduate School of Business.

Title: Qualitative Growth.
1997 RAYMOND VISKANTA, Purdue University.

Title: Thermal Issues in Manufacturing and Materials Processing.
1998 C. MOW, Columbia University.

Title: Structure of Scientific Revolution in Bioengineering: A Historical Prospective.
1999 ADRIAN BEJAN, Duke University.

Title: Shape and Structure in Engineering and Nature: Contractual Theory.
2002 STEPHEN C. LEWIS, Ford Motor Company.

Title: How to Instill Diverse Customer Focus into Future Engineers' Education Process.
2003 JOHN A. BRIGHTON, Ph.D., P.E., National Science Foundation

Title: The Role of the National Science Foundation in Advancing the National Research and Education Agenda in Science and Engineering
2004 Susan H. Skemp ASME Fellow at the Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President Past President, ASME 2002-2003

Title: Engineering and Public Policy: Focus on Engineering Workforce 2020

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