G.E.O. Widera Literature Award

ASME Unit: Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (PVP)
Date Established: 1991; this award has been named "The Robert J. McGrattan Literature Award" from 1991 to 1998, and "The G.E.O. Widera Literature Award" from 1999 to 2004
Achievement: Authoring the Outstanding Technical Paper in the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
Limitations: One Award per year
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award: Certificate
Frequency of Award: Annual
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division
Selecting Process: Nominations are recommended by the Principal Editor of the Journal, reviewed by the Honors Committee and submitted to the Executive Committee for approval
Funding: PVPD Custodian Account
Date Created: 6/28/2010
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G.E.O. Widera Literature Award Recipients

1991 S.Y. Zamrik 2000 B.S. Dyson
1994 A.S. El Ansary D.N. Contractor 2001 P. Dong
1995 Martin Prager 2002 R. Kumar M.A. Saleem
1996 M.D. Xue K.C. Hwang W. Lu W. Chen 2003 E.D. Eason E.E. Nelson G.B. Heys
1997 L.A. James H.B. Lee G.L. Wine 2004 M. Greiner A. Suo-Anttila
1998 F.A. Simonen M.A. Khaleel 2005 Ming De Xue, D.F. Li and K.C. Hwang
1999 G.S. Bhuyan E.J. Sperling G. Shen H. Yin M.D. Rana 2006 S. A. Karamanos D. Tsouvalas A. M. Gresnigt

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