Henry M. Paynter Outstanding Investigator Award

ASME Unit: Dynamic Systems & Control Division
Date Established: 1996
Achievement: This award is given biennially (even years) by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division of ASME to a DSCD member who has demonstrated sustained outstanding research contributions, either basic or applied, as a mechanical engineering professional to fields of interest to the DSCD.
Limitations: Nominees selected for the Awards must have been primary members of the DSCD for at least 5 consecutive years prior to receiving the Award and have been an active contributor of the DSCD. Each Award may not be given to the same individual more than once. Any member of the DSCD Honors Committee whose term on the nominating committee includes a portion of the period in any selection cycle between the first call for nominations for an award and the final selection of the awardee is ineligible for nomination for these awards.
Nomination Deadline: 6/30
Form of Award: Plaque or framed certificate suitable for wall hanging and a citation specific to the awardee.
Frequency of Award: Every other year
Administrative: Dynamic Systems & Control Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Dynamic Systems and Control Honors & Awards Committee
Selecting Process: The DSCD will make annual solicitations for nominations for the appropriate Awards by advertising sufficiently in advance by at least an email to the DSCD members. The H&A Committee shall select the Award recipients; notify them of their selection and the need to attend the Award presentation; and arrange for the plaques/certificates to be available at the Award presentations.
Funding: The Award is funded from a draw from the DSCD Custodial Fund with a cash award in an amount of at least $750.00, but less than the cash award for the Rufus Oldenburger Award. The DSCD Executive Committee may change the amounts of the cash awards at any time.
Date Created: 12/4/2008
Date Modified: 11/8/2012
Contact Name: Roberto Horowitz
Contact Email: horowitz@me.berkeley.edu
Contact Phone: (510) 643-7013

Winners of the Henry M. Paynter Outstanding Investigator Award

1996  Masayoshi Tomizuka
2000  J. Karl Hedrick
2002  Suhada Jayasuriya
2004  A. Galip Ulsoy
2006  Clarence de Silva
2008  Neville Hogan
2010  Roberto Horowitz
2012  Asok Ray
2014  Andrew Alleyne
2016  Miroslav Krstic
2018  Tsu-Chin Tsao
2020 Jeffrey L. Stein
2022 Dawn M. Tilbury
2024 Santosh Devasia

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