Chao and Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

ASME Unit: Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED)
Date Established: 2011
Achievement: The award recognizes a young manufacturing researcher under 40 with potential for significant fundamental contributions to the science and technology of manufacturing processes.
Limitations: Nominees must not have reached their 40th birthday at the date of submission of the nomination deadline. Nominees must be an ASME member. Nominees cannot claim the same contribution for similar awards.
Nomination Deadline: 2/1
Form of Award: $1000
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) Honors Committee
Selecting Process: The Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) Honors Committee solicits and reviews nominations from all ASME members. Recipients are selected by the MED Honors Committee and endorsed by the MED Executive Committee. Required nomination documents are: ASME Achievement Nomination Form (downloadable from the left side on this page), four reference letters (nomination letter plus three additional letters), and an up-to-one page summary on ASME MED-related involvement and contributions. 
Funding: An endowment
Date Created: 2/14/2011
Date Modified: 1/20/2016
Contact Name: Jingjing Li
Contact Email:

Winners of the Chao and Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

2023 Cunjiang Yu
2022 Chenhui Shao
2021 Dong Lin
2020 Alaa Elwany
2019 Jingjing Li, Pennsylvania State University
2018 Chris Yuan, Case Western University
2017 Sameh H. Tawfick, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
2016 Salil Desai, North Carolina A&T State University
2015 Seok Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2014 Ibrahim T. Ozbolat, University of Iowa
2013 Nicholas Fang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2012 Gary Cheng, Purdue University
2011 Cheng Sun Ph.D., Northwestern University

Achievement Nomination Form

Nomination Instructions

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