Boelter – McAdams Prize

For recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of heat and/or mass transfer through research, design, and/or inventions.

This annual award (once each year) seeks to recognize and honor the achievements of a mid-career (more than 11 years but within 15 years of start of professional career) researchers and/or practitioners who are members of the heat transfer division.

This award honors the legacy of the foundational contributions to Heat and Mass Transfer made by L. M. K. Boelter and W. H. McAdams . Their work represents “… … at the risk of oversimplification, two different approaches to heat transfer [or thermal processes] in the U.S. in the early 1930s. On the “East Coast” engineering needs were driven primarily by the [chemical] process industries … … On the “West Coast” a younger faculty at Berkeley and Stanford (and later at UCLA) was developing a more analytic approach … ...”

The award will include an award plaque, certificate, and honorarium, and awarded at the Summer Heat Transfer Conference, and managed by K-3.

Nomination Form
ASME Unit Heat Transfer Division (HTD)
Achievement Outstanding research or practical design accomplishment and/or inventions, or engineering practice achievements.
Nomination Deadline October 1
Form of Award  $1,000 + SHTC Registration + SHTC Banquet ticket
Frequency of Award Annual. Current nominations are for 2025.
Administrative Heat Transfer Division
Level of Award Division
Selected By K-3 Committee of the HTD
Selecting Process Review of nominations by the Honors and Awards Committee (K-3), which makes its recommendation to the Executive Committee. For information on nominations, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding Heat Transfer Division
Date Created 12/10/2022
Contact Name Raj Manglik
Contact Email

Previous Boelter-McAdams Prize Recipients
2023 - Ravi Annapragada

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