Best Paper Award

ASME Unit: Advanced Energy Systems Division (AESD)
Date Established:  
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Annual
Level of Award: Division
Selected By:  
Selecting Process:  
Date Created: 11/10/2008
Date Modified: 3/5/2013
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Winners of the Best Paper Award

2013 Best Paper Award Harish Ganapathy, Amir Shooshtari, Serguei Dessiatoun, Mohamed Alshehhi, Michael M. Ohadi
Best Fuel Cell Paper Award Yusuke Kai, Masaki Omiya, Yuki Kitayama, Hideyuki Kumei, Tomoaki Uchiyama
2012 Best Paper Award Davide Ziviani, Asfaw Beyene and Mauro Venturini
Best Paper Award Jen Supra, Holger JanBen, Werner Lehnert and Stolten
2010 Best Paper Award Nico Hotz, Heng Pan, Costas Grigoropoulos and Seung H. K0
Best Paper Award Carey King, Jay Zarnikau and Phil Henshaw
2009 Best Paper Award G. Mohan, M.P. Maiya and S. Srinivasa Murthy
Best Paper Award Max Platzer and Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn
Systems Analysis Best Paper Award Sankaran Ramakrishnan, Kwee-Yan The and Christopher F. Edwards
2008 Best Paper Award Taide Tan, Yitung Chen and Zhuoqi Chen
Best Paper Award Edwin A. Harvego, Michael G. McKellar, Manohar S. Sohal, James E. O'Brien and J. Stephen Herring
Best Paper Award Colin H Smith, Daniel M. Leahey, Liane E. Miller, Janet L. Ellzey and Michael E. Webber
Best Paper Award  Kihyung Kim, Meng Wang, Michael R. von Spakovsky and Douglas J. Nelson
Best Paper Award John C. Fischer, Chaoqin Zhai and David H. Archen
Heat Pump Best Paper Award Timothy C. Ernest and Srinivas Garimella
Heat Pump Best Paper Award Kartik Bulusa, David Gould and Charles A. Garris
2007 Systems Analysis & Fuel Cell Best Paper Award Francesco Casella, Piero Colonna and J.G. van Putten
2006 Energy Analysis Committee Best Paper Award Solange O. Kelly and Tatiana V. Morosuk
Heat Pump Technical Committee Best Paper Award Christoph Kren, Christian Schweigler and Felix Ziegler
Systems Analysis & Fuel Cell Best Paper Award Kau-Fui Wong and Tarun Bhshkar Best Student Paper Award

2001 Systems Analysis Committee Best Paper Award

"Discussion and Analysis of Flue Gas Utilization in a Phosphoric
Acid Fuel Cell Engine During Idle Operation"

Recipients : D. A. Betts V. P. Roan J. H. Fletcher University of Florida, USA

2001 Heat Pumps Committee Best Paper Award 

"Design, Analysis, and Fabrication of a Meso-Scale Centrifugal Compressor"

Recipients : A. Laveau J. S. Kapat L. C. Chow E. Enikov K. B. Sundaram

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