Worcester Reed Warner Medal

The Worcester Reed Warner Medal is awarded to an individual for seminal contribution to the permanent literature of engineering. Single papers, treatises, books or series of papers, and digital media may be considered.  Works should be highly influential to a generation of engineers, and not exclusively the result of a prolific career. Works considered may deal with progressive ideas relative to engineering; the design and operation of mechanical and associated equipment; industrial engineering or management organization, operation and the concomitants of each; and other subjects closely associated with the foregoing.

To qualify as having permanent value, any paper or treatise should not be less than five (5) years old.

Worcester Reed Warner, Charter Member and Sixteenth President of the Society, established the medal by bequest in 1930.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $2000, vermeil medal and certificate
Limitation(s): Literature must be at least 5 years old
Administrative Responsibility: General Awards Committee (GAC)
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Email: persaudl@asme.org
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Worcester Reed Warner Medalists

2024 Shi-Wei Ricky Lee
2023 David L. McDowell
2022 Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal
2021 Hanqing Jiang
2020 Marco Amabili
2019 Arun R. Srinivasa
2018 Martin Ostoja-Starzewski
2017 Michael P. Païdoussis
2016 Isaac Elishakoff
2015 John H. Lau
2014 Vigor Yang
2013 Singiresu S. Rao
2012 János M. Beér
2009 David G. Lilley
2008 Ashwani K. Gupta
2007 Portonovo Ayyaswamy
2006 James G. Simmonds
2004 Ephraim Suhir
2002 Tsu-Wei Chou
2001 Budugur Lakshminarayana
2000 Avram Bar-Cohen
1999 Yogesh Jaluria
1998 Thomas J. R. Hughes
1997 Zdenek P. Bazant
1996 Adrian Bejan
1995 Frank P. Incropera
1994 George Springer
1993 Frank J. Rizzo
1992 J. Narasimh Reddy
1991 Bruno A. Boley
1990 J. Tinsley Oden
1989 Lawrence E. Malvern
1988 Richard M. Christensen
1987 Jack P. Holman
1986 Ephraim M. Sparrow
1985 Richard H. Gallagher
1984 Yuan-Cheng Fung
1983 Allan D. Kraus
1982 Herbert Kolsky
1981 Frank Kreith
1980 Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz
1979 Darle W. Dudley
1978 James H. Potter
1977 Joseph E. Shigley
1976 Dennis G. Shepherd
1975 Philip G. Hodge, Jr.
1974 Victor L. Streeter
1973 Max Mark Frocht
1972 Burgess H. Jennings
1971 Stephen H. Crandall
1970 Wilhelm Flugge
1969 Hans W. Leipmann
1968 Merhyle F. Spotts
1967 Nicholas J. Hoff
1966 Eric A. Farber
1965 Ascher H. Shapiro
1964 Oscar J. Horger
1963 Frederick Morse
1962 Virgil M. Faires
1961 C. L. W. Trinks
1960 Lloyd H. Donnell
1959 Daniel Glasstone
1958 Harold J. Rose
1957 William Prager
1956 J. Keith Louden
1955 Howard S. Bean
1954 Joseph Keenan
1953 William McAdams
1952 Max Jakob
1951 Jacob P. Den Hartog
1950 Orlan W. Boston
1949 Fred B. Seely
1948 Edward S. Cole
1947 Arpad L. Nadai
1945 Joseph M. Juran
1944 Earle Buckingham
1943 Igor I. Sikorsky
1942 Fred H. Colvin
1941 Richard Southwell
1940 William Gregory
1939 Rupen Eksergian
1938 Lawford H. Fry
1937 Clarence Hirschfeld
1936 Charles M. Allen
1935 Stephen P. Timoshenko
1934 Ralph E. Flanders
1933 Dexter S. Kimball

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