Heat Transfer Memorial Award

The Heat Transfer Memorial Award

The Heat Transfer Memorial Award is bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of heat transfer through teaching, research, practice, design, service, leadership, inventions, or a combination of such activities.

One award may be made annually in each of the three following categories: the science of heat transfer, the art of heat transfer, and the general subject of heat transfer. Each of the three categories of science, art and general is based on achievements through publications, patents and/or inventions, advancement of educational content and/or pedagogy, or exemplary community service with a focus on heat transfer. These can include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

Science – Publication of results in professional journals, reports, books, peer-reviewed conference or symposium proceedings, and other such platforms, to establish substantive advancements in thermal science through analytical, computational, and/or experimental research. The research contributions are considered to be seminal, or breakthrough discoveries and/or processes, or significant advancement of prevailing science. This may also include science-related patents.

Art – Significant contributions to the art and application of heat transfer engineering through design and development of heat transfer components and systems, and/or development and publication of heat transfer correlations for industrial applications, which have been implemented or are used in practice. Publication of applications-oriented results in heat transfer handbooks, design data books, and in other similar industry use platforms, including peer-reviewed journals. Development and practical implementation of economic analyses of heat transfer systems. Award of application-related patents; leadership in heat transfer related design or industrial product development; and other such appropriate achievements.

General – Extensive service to the mission of the ASME Heat Transfer Division (HTD) and its community. This may be reflected in exemplary volunteer leadership positions in HTD and ASME; as an editor or associate editor of an ASME heat transfer journal; in a proactive and impactful role in technical sessions at national and international conferences; in an impactful role in cross-division, cross-segment, and cross-sector activities of ASME and HTD. Leadership in student and early career mentoring, especially with heat transfer and ASME related activities. Publish nationally and/or internationally recognized and impactful (adopted, highly referenced, etc.) heat transfer textbooks or monographs or handbooks.

Each nomination is to be submitted in only one of the three categories, and this should be so indicated a priori on the nomination form.

The Heat Transfer Memorial Award was established by the Heat Transfer Division in 1959 and operated as a division award until 1974 when it was elevated to a Society award.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $1000, plaque and certificate
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Heat Transfer Division
Nomination Deadline: October 1
Nomination Approved By: General Awards Committee
Email: persaudl@asme.org
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Heat Transfer Memorial Awardees

2024 Milind Jog
John C. Bischof
Srinivas Garimella
2023 Gautam Biswas
D. Y. Tzou
Jane H. Davidson
2022 Karen A. Thole
Srinath V. Ekkad
Ravi S. Prasher
2021 Wilbur J. Marner
Laurent Pilon
Michael M. Ohadi
2020 Terrence W. Simon
Bahgat Sammakia
Vishwanath Prasad
2019 Satwindar S. Sadhal
Dereje Agonafer
James Klausner
2018 Li Shi
M. Pinar Mengüç
Timothy S. Fisher
2017 Christoph Beckermann
Zahid Ayub
Mohamed S. El-Genk
2016 Brent W. Webb
Raj M. Manglik
Jayathi Y. Murthy
2015 John H. Lienhard V
Francis A. Kulacki
Zhuomin Zhang
2014 Jacob Nan-Chu Chung
Xianfan Xu
Kenneth E. Goodson
2013 Aldo Steinfeld
Yogendra Joshi
Issam Mudawar
2012 Chang H. Oh
Satish G. Kandlikar
Javad Mostaghimi
2011 Sumanta Acharya
Bengt A. Sunden
2010 Suresh V. Garimella
John R. Thome
Mamoru Ishii
2009 Cristina H. Amon
Jong H. Kim
Richard H. Pletcher
2008 Lawrence A. Kennedy
Leon R. Glicksman
Gang Chen
2007 Donald M. McEligot
Costas Grigoropolous
Van P. Carey
2006 Arun Majumdar
C. Thomas Avedisian
Kambiz Vafai
2005 Abdolhossein Haji-Sheikh
Michael Modest
Wei Shyy
2004 Mohammad Faghri
Yildiz Bayazitoglu
2003 Dimos Poulikakos
M. Michael Yovanovich
James R. Welty
2002 Massoud Kaviany
Je-Chin Han
Roop L. Mahajan
2001 Portonovo S. Ayyaswamy
George P. Peterson
2000 Ta-Shen Chen
Ramesh K. Shah
Ashley F. Emery
1999 Sanjoy Banjerjee
Soung M. Cho
Avram Bar-Cohen
1998 Amir Faghri
James V. Beck
1997 Chung K. Law
Sadik Kakac
1996 Ping Cheng
Boris Rubinsky
Leroy S. "Skip" Fletcher
1995 Yogesh Jaluria
John R. Lloyd
1994 Adrian Bejan
Kenneth R. Diller
1993 Vedat S. Arpaci
W. J. Minkowycz
1992 Vijay K. Dhir
Wataru Nakayama
Thomas F. Irvine, Jr.
1991 Suhas V. Patankar
John R. Howell
Kenneth L. Johnson
1990 Alfred L. Crosbie
Michael G. Dunn
Michael M. Chen
1989 Bora B. Mikic
Robert J. Moffat
Tom J. Love, Jr.
1988 Gerard M. Faeth
Frank P. Incropera
1987 M. Necati Ozisik
Ralph L. Webb
1986 Richard C. Chu
Arcot Ramachandran
1985 Ralph Greif
Virgil E. Schrock
1984 Wen-Jei Yang
1983 Roger Eichhorn
1982 Yasuo Mori
1981 Kwang-Tzu Yang
Ared Cezairliyan
Ivan Catton
1980 John H. Lienhard
1979 Yih-Yun Hsu
Arthur E. Bergles
1978 Richard J. Goldstein
John A. Clark
1977 Robert D. Cess
Rolf H. Sabersky
1976 Raymond Viskanta
Warren H. Giedt
1975 Simon Ostrach
Peter Griffith

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