Burt L. Newkirk Award

The Burt L. Newkirk Award was established in 1976 is awarded to an individual under the age of forty and who is also an ASME member at the time of the nomination deadline (i.e., February 1) in the year of the award being granted. It is given to one who has made notable contributions to the field of tribology in research or development as evidenced by important tribology publications.

Tribology for this award is defined as pertaining to the science and technology associated with surfaces in contact and relative motion with each other. It covers all the fundamentals associated with the field of friction, lubrication and wear. It embraces all the technological aspects of bearings, brakes, clutches, gears, etc.

The award was named after Burt L. Newkirk who made notable achievements in the theory and application of tribology during his industrial career and was an outstanding teacher following his retirement from industry.

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Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $1000 and certificate
Limitation(s): The individual must be under the age of 40 and an ASME member at the time of nomination deadline
Administrative Responsibility: Tribology Division
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Burt L. Newkirk Awardees

1976 Francis E. Kennedy, Jr. 1992 Thomas N. Farris 2007 Lior Kogut 2023 Melih Eriten
1977 Steve M. Rohde 1994 Srinivasan Chandrasekar 2008 Michael Nosonovsky 2024 Brandon Krick
1978 Pradeep Gupta 1996 Christopher DellaCorte 2009 Robert W. Carpick    
1979 Thomas A. Dow 1997 Chiao-Ping Ku 2010 C. Fred Higgs III    
1980 Stuart H. Lowenthal 1998 Timothy C. Ovaert 2011 Robert L. Jackson    
1982 Dennis F. Li 1999 Rohit S. Paranjpe 2012 Ashlie Martini    
1983 Bharat Bhushan 2000 Steven R. Schmid 2013 Tae Ho Kim    
1984 Hooshang Heshmat 2001 Andreas A. Polycarpou 2014 Bart Raeymaekers    
1986 Itzhak Green 2002 Thierry A. Blanchet 2015 David Burris    
1987 Pawan K. Goenka 2003 Sergio E. Diaz 2016 Aaron Greco    
1988 Kyriakos Komvopoulos 2004 W. Gregory Sawyer 2019 Alison C. Dunn    
1990 Michael M. Khonsari 2005 Michael R. Lovell 2020 Sung-Hwa Jeung    
1991 Farshid Sadehi 2006 Mitjan Kalin 2022 Filippo Mangolini    

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